
Access to international databases is extended for Ukrainian scientists

The companies "Clarivate" and "Elsevier" have extended access to Web of Science, Scopus and other databases for Ukrainian researchers until the end of 2022.

Access to international databases is extended for Ukrainian scientists

"Clarivate" company has extended the opportunity for Ukrainian scientists to use the "Web of Science" database until the end of 2022. For institutions that have previously gained access to "Web of Science", it will be stored in the existing format. Other institutions wishing to obtain it should contact the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine.

In addition, Ukrainian institutions will maintain access to the Scopus database owned by Elsevier. This opportunity is available to institutions that have previously connected through SSTL of Ukraine, as well as those that have registered on the "Research4Life" platform. In addition to the "Scopus" database, the "Elsevier" company, within the "Research4Life" project, has granted Ukrainian scientists access to the full-text resources of the "ScienceDirect" database, a number of medical resources, such as: "ClinicalKey", "Complete Anatomy", "Embase", "Osmosis".

It is important that on the "Research4Life" platform, publishers of scientific literature have opened a free opportunity for Ukrainian institutions to use their electronic resources by the end of 2022. Ukrainian scientists have already received free and convenient access through "Research4Life" to over 114,000 books, about 40,000 journals, dozens of databases, including available full-text resources of leading publishing houses of scientific literature. At this time, more than 500 institutions have already registered or resumed their registration on "Research4Life".

Publishers-partners of "Research4Life" are planning to extend access to resources for researchers from Ukraine at least until the end of 2024 – to transfer Ukraine within the framework of the "Research4Life" project from group B to group A (as it is known, institutions from countries of group A do not need to pay for the use of literature).

 It should be recalled that the scientists of the Polytechnic presented a startup project at a hackathon for young scientists.