
Polytechnic receives an award from the National Bank of Ukraine for its active participation in Global Money Week

The National Bank of Ukraine awarded the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” for participating in the competition of the most active higher education institutions that joined the celebration of Global Money Week.

Polytechnic receives an award from the National Bank of Ukraine for its active participation in Global Money Week

For several years in a row, the academic staff and students of the Educational and Research Institute of Finance, Economics, Management and Law of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” have been actively involved in the successful implementation of the National Bank of Ukraine’s initiatives within the Global Money Week.

This year, teachers and students of the university also took part in a large-scale event organised by the National Bank of Ukraine and Junior Achievement Ukraine, which took place from 18 to 24 March, 2024. Finance students of Poltava Polytechnic took an active part in interesting quests, attended informative webinars, and had a great time.

Within the framework of Global Money Week, students of Poltava Polytechnic attended a series of scientific and educational events organised by the teachers, including the webinar “Alchemists who succeeded or the story of Ukrainian counterfeiters”, watched video lessons on financial literacy on “Financial pyramids” and “Safe online shopping”, tested their knowledge in an interesting interactive way by playing Kahoot, and conducted a number of cool scientific and educational activities in the university classrooms, visited the Legal Clinic of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and received useful practical advice on financial law from the Head of the Department of Public Administration, Management and Law, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor Inna Kulchii, played a useful and exciting game “Truth or Dare” from Junior Achievement Ukraine, the game “Financial Pixie” from Junior Achievement Ukraine and took part in a webinar “Cybersecurity and Fraud Schemes in Wartime” from Chief Expert of the Communications Department of the National Bank of Ukraine Tetiana Mashlakovska.

On the last day of Global Money Week, students improved their soft skills and English language skills by solving a crossword puzzle on payment security, learned about manipulations on Telegram and TikTok, found out how to distinguish between objective media and garbage sites, learned about fraud during the war, how to protect themselves from the impact of information viruses, what information hygiene is, and much more from the author of the book “A Nation of Vegetables? How Information Changes the Thinking and Behaviour of Ukrainians” by Oksana Moroz at the webinar “How Information Changes Our Thinking and Behaviour”.

At the end of a busy week of events within Global Money Week, the lecturers of the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Associate Professors Yuliia Khudolii, Oksana Vovchenko and Oleksandra Maslii held a creative lesson on financial literacy for the students majoring in 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market (EP “Finance, Banking and Insurance” and EP “IT-Finance”) as well as 125 Cybersecurity and Information Protection in the form of the game “Truth or Dare” from Junior Achievement Ukraine.

At the end of the bright and productive week, the students shared their impressions at one of the open space auditoriums of Poltava Polytechnic.

Global Money Week is an annual international educational campaign aimed at developing the financial awareness of children and young people, shaping the necessary knowledge, skills, behaviour and attitudes required to make smart and informed financial decisions that will help them achieve financial well-being and sustainability. The main theme of the Global Money Week is “Protect your money, secure your future”.

It should be recalled that earlier, Polytechnic was awarded by the National Bank of Ukraine for the second time for its active participation in the all-Ukrainian charity event “Bold Hryvnia”, support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, high civic position, patriotism and significant contribution to the approach of the Ukrainian Victory.

Recently, scientists and students discussed the development of the “green economy” and digitalisation for the post-war recovery of Ukraine, and Polytechnic signed Memoranda of Partnership and Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Odesa National Technological University.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”