
Rector congratulates the budgetary basis first-year students

Rector of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Volodymyr Onyshchenko congratulated the first-year bachelor's students on being on a budgetary basis and met with gifted young people. More than 550 first-year bachelor’s students are enrolled on a state-funded basis, the largest number in the Poltava region.

Rector congratulates the budgetary basis first-year students

In total, more than half a thousand first-year bachelor’s students, who have been recommended for being accepted due to their high NMT results, will study at the university on a budgetary basis. A considerable number of privileged students will also join them. Thus, Poltava Polytechnic fulfills the state order in the training of qualified personnel and is the largest provider of state support for students in the Poltava region.

The rector of the university, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko met with applicants who chose to study at the Poltava Polytechnic on a state-funded basis.

"Today I had special visitors – representatives of the community of successful applicants who have triumphantly coped with their first serious adult challenge. These wonderful young people with high NMT scores confirmed their strong intentions to study at the Poltava Polytechnic. They even took a selfie and made friends with the rector. That shows an interest to immediately get down to business and join the team.

In total, more than 550 freshmen were enrolled in the state-funded form of education at the Poltava Polytechnic, who received a recommendation for enrollment due to their high results on the NMT. A considerable number of privileged students will also join them.

I am extremely pleased that today's youth prefers development and innovation.

I asked if they know when entrants become real students and got the correct answer about the first end-of-semester exams. Therefore, I wished them good luck in their studies, to receive a scholarship, and explained why it is important to compete for high positions in the academic ranking. In addition, all Polytechnic students, without exception, can use the university's opportunities for professional realization and personal development, including modern classrooms, laboratories, academic mobility programs, and sports and creative hobbies.

Thank you, dear, now students, for excellent communication, positive motivation and confidence that our team is doing everything right if the best ones choose Poltava Polytechnic!" – congratulated the young people on the beginning of a new stage in their lives Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

The vast majority of applicants are graduates of Poltava schools and lyceums (No. 2, No. 3, No. 6, No. 9, No. 19, No. 38, No. 40), who very consciously and responsibly approached the choice of profession. Valeriia Hvozdenko chose the specialty "Economics (Economic Cybernetics and Analytical Economics)", Marta Zhelavska – "Fine Art, Decorative Art, Restoration", Dmytro Hetalo – "Oil and Gas Engineering and Technologies", Sofiia Tretiak – "Ecology", Nadiia Susla, a graduate of Poltava medical college – "Therapy and rehabilitation", Vladyslav Lotosh, a powerlifter from Semenivka – "Physical culture and sports", Aliona Plaksina – "Construction and civil engineering", and Timur Pivniev, Alina Mysyk and Veronika Taran chose "Computer science".

Veronika Taran, a graduate of the Poltava Scientific Lyceum No. 3 with high NMT scores, says that years of persistent and diligent study pay off. She decided where to study a long time ago, because she considers the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" to be the best university. Now she is a student of the Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies and Robotics of the Poltava Polytechnic.

In memory of the meeting, gifted smart people received branded gifts – now they are a part of the large student community of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".

It should be recalled that Poltava Polytechnic became the most popular Poltava university among applicants.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”