
The government approves the amount of state order for training in institutions of professional and higher education in 2022

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the amount of the state order for training in institutions of professional and higher education in 2022. The total amount of the state order in 2022 is over 188,000 people. The priority fields for the training of specialists in the most sought-after specialties have become: engineering and technical, pedagogical and natural sciences.

The government approves the amount of state order for training in institutions of professional and higher education in 2022

On July 7, 2022, the Government approved the scope of the state order for the training of specialists, scientific, scientific-pedagogical, and labor personnel, for advanced training and retraining of personnel in 2022, and the list of state customers.

The Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Ministry of Economy, identified priority areas for the training of specialists in the most in-demand specialties, namely: engineering and technical, pedagogical and natural sciences.

The total volume of the state order in 2022 is over 188,000 people. The admission rate for full-time education is set in the amount of almost 173,000 people.

The Resolution also determines the list of state customers in 2022 and the forecast volumes of state orders for 2023 and 2024. In particular, the following volumes of admission under the state order for the training of specialists with higher education:

  • "junior bachelor" – 844 people, in particular, full-time education – 844 people;
  • "professional junior bachelor" – 38,719 people, in particular, full-time education – 35,456 people;
  • "bachelor" – 89,320 people, in particular, full-time education – 82,420 people;
  • "master" based on the educational and qualification level "bachelor" – 49,524 people, in particular, full-time form of education – 44,404 people;
  • "master" on the basis of complete general secondary education – 6041 people, in particular, full-time form of education – 6041 people.

Project indicators of admission under the state order for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel for postgraduate studies will amount to 4,070 people, for doctoral studies – 423 people.

For the first time, 160 internship places have been provided for higher education institutions that are under the management of the Ministry of Education and Science and train master’s students in medical and pharmaceutical fields.

Poltava Polytechnic offers a wide selection of specialties in all priority areas and new educational programs.

The structure of the state order for the training of junior bachelors and bachelors (masters in medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary fields) takes into account the current situation in Ukraine, considering the liberation of temporarily occupied territories. In particular, for the restoration of regions and territories affected by the aggression of the Russian Federation, it is planned to train specialists to rebuild the infrastructure and create conditions for the activities of all business entities.

The Resolution also takes into account the simplified admission procedure in 2022 for persons from TOT, in particular for students who began their studies in previous years on a contractual basis, and also provides for the transfer to places of state order at the expense of vacant places.

At the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", there is a live and online counseling center for applicants.