Pavlikov Andrii,
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, head of the department, academician of the Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine.
He has been working at the department since 1978.
Scientific problem:
modelling of the deformation mode of reinforced concrete structures under complex deformations.
Has over 400 publications, among them:
monographs – 6, textbooks – 5, train aids – 12,
articles – 340, patents, copyright certificates – 30

Pichuhin Serhii,
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, academician of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine for science and technology, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine.
He has been working at the university since 1974.
Scientific direction:
reliability of metal structures; loads and effects on load-bearing structures.
Has over 500 publications

Dovzhenko Oksana,
PhD (Engineering), Professor.
She has been working at the department since 1985.
Scientific problem:
theory of strength of concrete and reinforced concrete structures and their elements on the basis of variation principles and conception of rigid-plastic body.
Has over 300 publications, among them:
monographs – 5, train aids – 8, articles – 180, patents – 11

Hasenko Anton,
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor.

Mykytenko Serhii,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
He has been working at the department since 1986.
Scientific problem:
rational design of reinforced concrete structures.
Has over 130 publications, among them:
monographs – 2, articles – 90

Zhihyliy Serhiy,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
He has been working at the university since 1981.
Scientific direction:
development of the theory and research of the dynamics, strength, energy and technological capabilities of vibration machines of various purposes, equipped with controlled mechanical centrifugal unbalanced vibration exciters.
Has more than 80 publications, including:
lecture courses – 2, training manuals – 2, articles – 53, of which 2 are in NMBD Scopus, copyright certificates and patents – 4

Fenko Oleksii,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
He has been working at the department since 1989.
Scientific problem:
influence of the inherent stresses on material properties.
Has over 130 publications, among them:
train aids – 3, articles – 100, patents – 2

Pents Volodymyr,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine.
He has been working at the university since 1992.
Scientific direction:
research of tubular concrete structures of industrial buildings.
Has more than 120 publications, including:
textbooks – 1, training aids – 2,
monographs – 3, patents – 4, articles – 70

Dmytrenko Andrii,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
He has been working at the department since 1996.
Scientific direction:
research of nodes of steel-reinforced concrete structures. Determination of the technical condition and research of wooden structures.
Has more than 80 publications, including:
educational manuals – 4, articles – 30, patents – 2

Kyrychenko Volodymyr,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
He has been working at the department since 2001.
Scientific problem:
clarification of regional terms of pinch-off beams in consideration of physical-mechanical properties of material of environment of clamp.
Has over 90 publications, among them:
train aids – 3, articles – 70

Harkava Olha,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
She has been working at the department since 2009.
Scientific problem:
structural analysis and design of biaxial bended reinforced concrete structures.
Has over 120 publications, among them:
monographs – 1, train aids – 5, articles – 80, patents – 1

Mitrofanov Pavlo,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor.
He has been working at the university since 2010.
Scientific direction:
development of methods for calculating strength, stiffness, stability, building structures and their elements based on a deformation model with an extreme criterion.
Has more than 80 publications, including:
articles – 67, of which 8 are in NMBD Scopus and Web Of Science, lecture notes – 3, patents and copyright certificates – 1

Mykhailovska Olena,
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor

Kivshyk Anton,
He has been working at the department since 2021.
Scientific direction:
substantiation of the parameters of the supply of building solutions by a direct-flow pump of electromagnetic action.
Has more than 20 publications, including:
articles – 10

Kateryna Oleksandrivna,
post-graduate student.
She is studying in graduate school since 2020.
Scientific direction:
assessment of reliability of structures of spiral-fold silos for bulk materials.
Has 10 publications, including:
articles - 4

Atembemoh Kelvis,
post-graduate student.
He is studying at a graduate school since 2021.
Scientific direction:
Assessment of the bending strength of beams based on the calculated resistance of reinforced concrete.
Has 5 publications, including:
1 articles, 1 of them in Scopus

Myshchenko Mykola,
post-graduate student.
He is studying at a graduate school since 2022.
Scientific direction:
The load-bearing capacity of the crossbar-to-column joint of reinforced concrete frames.
Has 2 publications

Danych Dmytro,
He is studying at a graduate school since 2022.
Scientific direction:
Evaluation of the load-bearing capacity of fiber-reinforced concrete columns under biaxial bending.
Has 3 publications

Pents Maryna,
post-graduate student.
She is studying in graduate school since 2022.
Scientific direction:
compressive strength of masonry.
Has 8 publications, including:
articles – 3