Department of Highways, Geodesy, Land and Management

The department has been a structural unit of the university since its inception. Since 1938, it had the name "Department of Agricultural Buildings and Structures Architecture".  Over the past almost twenty years, the department has gone through an evolutionary path of formation, development, transformation and successful functioning. In 1990, it received the name "Department of Rural Buildings and Agro-Industrial Complex Objects Architecture", and since 2015 - the modern name. In different years, it was headed by: Associate Professor T.Ya. Hardasevych, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences D.M. Topchiy, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.O. Bondar, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.Y. Khazin, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences D.A. Yermolenko, Associate Professor, Doctor of Economics H.I. Sharyy, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences T.P. Lytvynenko.

The department functions as part of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management, is a graduating department and, in terms of number and composition, is a powerful educational unit of the university.