Department of Public Management, Administration and Law

The aim of the Department of Public Administration, Management and Law headed by Inna Kulchii is to provide high-quality professional training of higher education students in the specialties 081 "Law", 281 "Public Administration", as well as to form competences in legal disciplines of higher education students of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".

The vision is to be a student-centered department focused on providing higher education students with modern knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of management and law, a leader in training highly qualified managers and legal practitioners united by the state values and cultural legal traditions of Ukraine.

The mission is to provide high-quality training and organization of the educational process, taking into account the current challenges of martial law in the specialties of the department, which will enable graduates to find their own niche in the Ukrainian labor market and successfully work on the restoration of Ukraine and implement best practices in the field of law, public administration and management at the level of enterprises, institutions, organizations, territorial communities and the country as a whole.

Bachelor's degrees: 081 "Law", 281 "Public management and administration"

Master’s degree: 081 "Law", 281 "Public management and administration"

The scientific interests of the Department's staff include:

  • legal regulation of the activities of public authorities;
  • modernization of public administration in post-communist countries, European;
  • states, protection of personal data, electronic services and resources (;
  • legal framework for regulating the fight against mercenarism at the international and national levels;
  • electronic criminal proceedings at the pre-trial investigation;
  • forms of constitutional protection at the present stage: comparative legal aspect;
  • advanced training of employees of state authorities and local self-government bodies;
  • interaction of territorial bodies of the National Police of Ukraine with local self-government bodies;
  • regulation of legal relations arising in the process of budget execution;
  • system of public administration of Ukraine and foreign countries;
  • secondary rights in the copyright of Ukraine;
  • peculiarities of closing criminal proceedings by the court of first instance;
  • material types of security for fulfillment of obligations.

The main objectives of the international activity of the department are:

  • Academic exchange: Providing opportunities for students to study and teach abroad, develop language and cultural competencies.
  • Joint research. Conducting joint research and projects with international partners to exchange innovative ideas and best practices in the field of public administration and law.
  • Organization of international conferences and seminars. Promoting support and participation in international scientific events to share knowledge and research discoveries.
  • Support for international internships and practices. Providing opportunities for students of the Department to conduct internships in international organizations, government agencies and companies to gain practical experience.
  • Developing an international network of partners. Search for new partners among universities, organizations and individual experts to expand opportunities for cooperation and information exchange.
  • Popularization of results. Disseminating information about the achievements and results of international initiatives and projects through publications, the department's website, social media, and other communication channels.