National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" is holding the admission to the doctoral program for the degree of Doctor of Science (training at the expense of the state budget and at the expense of individuals/legal entities) in the following specialties:
- 051 Economics;
- 073 Management;
- 192 Construction and Civil Engineering.
The term of doctoral training is 2 years.
Foreign citizens are enrolled in doctoral programs for a year.
The following documents are submitted for admission to doctoral studies: 1) an application; 2) a copy of the master's (specialist's) diploma (together with the appendix to it) indicating the specialty (qualification) obtained; 3) a copy of the doctoral diploma or PhD; 4) a written description of the applicant's scientific activity, made by a doctor of sciences, who is a full-time scientific and pedagogical or researcher of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", with the consent to be a scientific advisor of the doctoral student in case of his/her admission to the doctoral program 5) a personal personnel record sheet (with a 3×4 cm photo glued in); 6) a list of published scientific works and inventions; 7) a copy of the certificate of identification number assignment; 8) a copy of the passport; 9) a 3×4 cm photo; 10) a copy of the military registration document.
The passport, military registration document, diploma of higher education, diploma of Doctor of Philosophy / Candidate of Sciences are presented by the applicant personally.
For more information, please contact us at: 24 Pershotravnevyi Avenue, Poltava, 36601, room. 325-F, tel.: (0532) 57-32-20; (066) 832-72-60. Email: