For applicant of the Department of International Economics and Marketing


In terms of Ukraine's integration into the world community growing importance of competencies economists, who should be experts in the field of international economic relations, and fluent in several foreign languages. That is why for training students in international study two foreign languages, one of which deepened. A number of professionally designed courses, at the request of students can be taught in a foreign language.

Students, who are studying in specialty of «International Economic Relations» learn to analyze the environment of the enterprise and assess its international competitiveness, carry out market research overseas markets, develop foreign economic enterprise development strategy, conduct diplomacy and international economic negotiations to conclude foreign trade contracts, solve analytical problems, concerning international commercial transactions, make economic calculations and justify innovation and investment projects to evaluate the effectiveness of international scientific cooperation, organize, supervise and coordinate the implementation of international agreements.


A wide international experience of business success confirms the undeniable truth: stable commercial success comes to those who sell marketing approach to their craft.

If you choose a specialty of marketing, you'll get a prestigious profession!

We will teach you of creative thinking, of the ability to listen the others and to convince them. We will teach you to understand the reasons and motives of consumers succeed in business.

Theoretical training specialists of marketing at Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University provides a comprehensive study of the economic and marketing disciplines, which are necessary for future work.

University ensures the implementation of the principle of continuity of the educational process; gifted and hardworking Master's graduates can continue their postgraduates education at the department in the University.

Our advantages:

  • Ensuring all students places in student dormitory.
  • Our diploma recognized abroad.
  • Teaching subjects in English.
  • Available cost of education.
  • Students have the opportunity to take practice abroad.
  • In the educational process involved foreign experts.
  • Permanent joint scientific conferences, performance of student projects, organizing roundtables, brain-ring among students.Для занять облаштовані сучасні аудиторії з мультимедійним обладнанням.
  • At your service - computer labs with access to the Internet, computerized library, 5 reading rooms, Internet-club, WI-FI.
  • The developed system of sports clubs, gyms, stadiums, sports ground.
  • After receiving education level «Master» is possible to continue studies in posrgraduate.