How to get an invitation

You should write to the email In response to your request, we will send a sample application and a sample consent to the processing of personal data.

Documents required to receive an invitation to study:

  1. Passport (first page);
  2. Education document, assessment statement or academic reference;
  3. Application of the established sample and selfie with it (sample can be obtained by e-mail after your applying);
  4. Consent to the processing of personal data and selfie with it (sample can be obtained by e-mail after your applying).

The agent-firms should conclude an agreement for receiving the invitation. To conclude the agreement between the firms-agents and the National University "Poltava Polytechnic named after Yuri Kondratyuk" it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  1. copies of the constituent documents (the constituent act, the charter, the founding agreement, the provisions, etc.) of the legal entity with the corresponding type of activity, which gives the right to carry out the recruitment for training;
  2. a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals - Entrepreneurs;
  3. a copy of the passport and registration number of the taxpayer's accounting card (for individuals - entrepreneurs);
  4. a copy of the document confirming the registration of the legal entity in the country of its location, legalized in due course (for foreign legal entities);
  5. a copy of a document confirming the power of a resident to act on behalf of a non-resident (for example, to enter into contracts on behalf of a non-resident) that entails the non-resident's civil rights and obligations;
  6. a reference of the bank on the presence of accounts;
  7. an excerpt from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals - Entrepreneurs;
  8. a copy of the order appointing the persons responsible for providing recruitment services as candidates for training and documents confirming the competence of such persons.