International cooperation of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Heat Power Engineering

The international activity of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Heat Power Engineering is carried out in accordance with the University Development Strategy in the following main areas: scientific and scientific and technical cooperation with foreign organizations, participation in international conferences, cooperation with international granting organizations, publication of scientific papers in foreign publications, preparation of methodological support and teaching of disciplines for foreign students, training of specialists for foreign countries (educational sphere), internships.

In recent years, students of heat and power engineering: D. Golubyatnikov and K. Kitaygora have been trained at the universities of China, student O. Blinov - in Poland.

The University has long-term agreements on scientific cooperation with the following foreign educational institutions:

  • Svetokshin University of Technology (Kielce, Poland);
  • Azerbaijan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Azerbaijan);
  • Bialystok University of Technology (Poland);
  • Stanisław Staszyc Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland);
  • University of Tübingen (Germany);
  • University of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg (Germany);
  • Tashkent State Technical University (Uzbekistan);
  • Beijing Institute of Technology (China);
  • Harbin University of Engineering (China);
  • Royal University (Sweden).

The Department of Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Heat Power Engineering has additional cooperation agreements with higher education institutions and institutions in the field of its main work, industrial heat power engineering and environmental protection, such as

Stuttgart University of Technology (Germany);

University of Hohenheim (Germany):

Warsaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland);

Singapore National University of Technology (Singapore);

Municipality of Filderstadt (Germany);

University of Warwick Ventura (UK).