Educational program "IT finance"
Field of knowledge
07 Management and administration
072 Finance, banking, insurance and stock market
Educational program
IT finance
Освітній ступінь
Предмети НМТ
- Українська мова (0,35)
- Математика (0,4)
- Історія України (0,25)
- Іноземна мова (0,25), Біологія (0,2), Фізика (0,2), Хімія (0,2), Українська література (0,25), Географія (0,35)
Вартість навчання
- Денна: 9 850 грн.
- Дистанційна: 9 000 грн.
* Вартість вказана за семестр навчання за контрактом 2024/2025 навчального року
При вступі як на місця державного замовлення, так і за контрактом абітурієнт надає мотиваційний лист та результати національного мультипредметного тесту 2023 р., 2024 р, або сертифікату ЗНО 2022 р.
Короткий опис програми
The IT Finance program is aimed at training a new generation of highly qualified specialists with advanced knowledge and skills in finance, banking, insurance, financial analytics, big data science, applied statistics, information technology (IT), and artificial intelligence models such as chat-GPT. Future specialists will master the skills of protecting financial information from cyber-attacks using the latest information technologies.
Studying under this program opens up exciting career prospects: from fintech startups to neobanks. And knowledge of finance, financial analytics and consulting, and the ability to professionally manage money will be useful in any field of activity and business. Prestige of the acquired professional knowledge and practical skills ensures competitive advantages of graduates of the IT Finance program in the labor market. The synthesis of professional training in the fields of finance and information technology is a feature of the IT Finance program.
The program has two professional areas:
- Organization of Information Technology in Finance offers an in-depth study of FinTech and digital technologies, acquisition of skills in the use of blockchain technologies, implementation of digital solutions for financial institutions, and the use of digital technologies in the financial, banking and insurance services market;
- Business analysis in the financial sector involves acquisition of competencies in business analytics, the development of practical skills in the use of software in the process of financial diagnostics and financial analytics, gaining experience in the use of IT technology in business processes, and making effective decisions in the context of digitalization.
Advantages of the program
- The program is designed in accordance with European standards.
- A unique opportunity to study in English-language dual diploma programs and international academic mobility abroad (UK, Poland, Germany, Belgium, China and other countries).
- Use of modern information technologies. Students master hard skills and soft skills in the field of IT finance in innovative classrooms such as the unique Apple Digital Lab using reliable, high-performance iPad and iMac devices equipped with True Tone technology and FaceTime video cameras.
- Use of modern software and innovative teaching methods. In particular, the use of the modern Wizard Mac program; mastering Python network programming; CodeRunner editor, which supports more than 25 languages, including Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Node.js, etc.; studying SnippetsLab and databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL).
- The prestige of the received specialism, which ensures the competitive advantages of the graduate in the labor market.
- Foreign specialists take part in the educational process.
Main subjects of professional training
Analytics and programming of financial indicators; Management; Financial statistics; Household finances; Econometrics; Accounting; Statistics; Information systems and technologies in finance; Business communications and ethics of banking business; Money and credit; Finance; Finance of insurance companies; Banking system; Tax system; Insurance; Data mining and financial modeling; Financial market; Financial and economic security; Financial analysis; Enterprise finance.
Positions that graduates can hold
Financial manager at enterprises and budgetary institutions, in insurance companies, commercial banks and other financial institutions; head of the financial department; developer of computer systems; computer systems analyst; computer database analyst; civil servant in fiscal, customs authorities, state audit and treasury services; financier of an economic entity of any type of activity, banking institution, insurance company; financial analyst; stock market analyst; expert consultant on insurance; specialist of investment and non-state pension funds; specialist analyst on research of financial and investment markets; inspector of the fiscal service; responsible employee of a bank (branch (branches) of a bank, other financial institution); appraiser and auctioneer; property trading agent; dealer and broker on collateral and financial transactions.
Університет Альба Юлії «1 DECEMBRIE 1918» (м. Альба Юлія, Румунія), Vilniaus kolegija (м. Вільнюс, Литва), Управління Північно-східного офісу Держаудитслужби в Полтавській області, Департамент фінансів Полтавської обласної державної адміністрації, Головне управління Державної казначейської служби в Полтавській області, Головне управління Державної податкової служби у Полтавській області, DTEK Group, компанія Weatherford, компанія SoftServe, ІТ-компанія «Grid Dynamics», ТОВ «Кернел-Трейд», АТ «Сенс Банк», АТ «Полтава-банк», ПрАТ «Страхова компанія «ВУСО».
Додаткова інформація
Контактна інформація кафедри фінансів, банківського бізнесу та оподаткування
Адреса: м. Полтава, Першотравневий проспект, 24, ауд. 215А
Тел.: +380532227770
Відповідальна за прийом абітурієнтів:
Скриль Віталія Вячеславівна, моб. тел. +380 (50) 716 20 27
Свистун Людмила Анатоліївна, моб. тел. +38 (095) 460-71-30
Вовченко Оксана Сергіївна, моб. тел. +380 (66) 904 89 33
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