Educational program “Law”

Educational program “Law”

Field of Study

08 Law


081 Law

Educational Program


Educational Level


Subjects of Centralized Entrance Exam 2021

  • Ukrainian Language and Literature
  • History of Ukraine
  • Foreign language or Mathematics

Tuition Fee

Short Description of the Program

Educational program in the field of higher education in the specialism "Law" provides professional training of specialists at a qualitatively new level who have basic knowledge and skills in the field of professional legal activity, are able to solve specialized tasks and practical problems, make optimal decisions in atypical conditions, generate original and effective ideas for society, think and act creatively. The program provides for the training of legal professionals who will have a sufficient level of theoretical and practical training to successfully carry out professional legal activities, including research and interpretation of legal acts; fluency in legal terminology; and drafting legal documents. The priority of the program is to combine theoretical and practical knowledge and to introduce the latest teaching technologies. A wide range of skills and abilities in the educational program "Law" will ensure the competitiveness of graduates of the specialism 081 "Law" in the labor market.

Advantages of the program

Main subjects of professional training

Constitutional Law of Ukraine; Administrative Law of Ukraine; Administrative Procedure in Ukraine; Civil Law of Ukraine; Civil Procedure of Ukraine; Criminal Law of Ukraine; Criminal Procedure of Ukraine; Public International Law; International Protection of Human Rights.

Positions that graduates can hold

Court secretary, executor and administrator, state bailiff, organizers of office work (judicial system), assistant to the head (director, chief, etc. ) of a penitentiary institution, assistant to the head of an enterprise (institution, organization), assistant lawyer; assistant notary; assistant public notary; assistant judge; assistant commission member; assistant lawyer, law enforcement inspectors and inquiry specialists; specialists of the penitentiary service; inspector (penitentiary system), operative (penitentiary system); labor inspector (legal), private detective, forensic expert; legal counsel, etc.

A bachelor of law may hold primary positions, as well as deputy positions in the state executive and judicial authorities, local self-government, the bar, the prosecutor's office, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the customs service, in the legal services of enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership.

Partner Institutions

The Directorate of National police in Poltava region, the Main territorial Department of justice in Poltava oblast, structural subdivisions of Poltava regional state administration, judicial bodies, public notaries, prosecutors, lawyers, customs service, legal services of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Additional Information

Our address: 36011, Poltava, Pervomaysky Prospekt, 24.

Phone numbers: UNI FEM (05322) 2-16-72.

Contact persons:

Pasechnaya Irina Aleksandrovna, tel. 0506213090

Boiko Valentina Vyacheslavovna, tel. 0665709772

Address of the Department’s Instagram:

Contact Information

Contact the Admissions Office for more information

 +38 (0532) 56-16-04

 +38 (099) 057-65-17

 +38 (0532) 56-19-48

 +38 (0532) 56-18-97

Or in messengers: