Educational Program “Tourism”

Educational Program “Tourism”

Field of Study

24 Service industry


242 Tourism and recreation

Educational Program


Educational Level


Subjects of Centralized Entrance Exam 2021

  • Ukrainian Language and Literature
  • Foreign Language
  • Geography or Mathematics

Tuition Fee

Short Description of the Program

The Tourism program is focused on acquiring skills and knowledge in the field of tourism, which provides for certain employment and the possibility of further education and career growth (master's professional and scientific programs). The program allows to comprehensively study the specifics of tourism activities and features of tourist services, taking into account the environmental factor. Specialism "Tourism and recreation".

Program Benefits

Possibilities for studying and training abroad

Students have a unique opportunity to take part in «dual degree» programs at the University of Greenwich (London, UK), Opole University (Poland), Shandong University of Technology (China), Renmin University (China), summer economics schools at The Bialystok University of Technology (Poland); to undertake an educational, linguistic and industrial internship at The Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Bialystok Polytechnic.

The main subjects of professional training

Specialized tourism (sports tourism); Organization of tourist trips; Tour management; International management; Recreational complexes of the world; Specialized tourism (rural and green tourism); Interactive technologies in tourism; Organization of work of the manager of a tourist enterprise; Business etiquette and protocol in tourist activity; Psychology and conflictology in tourism; Business administration; Excursion management; Organization of work of the manager; Specialized tourism; Organization of animation activities; Logistics of tourist flows; Tour Operating; Organization of Tourism (Fundamentals of Tourism Studies); Organization of Hotel Management; Organization of Restaurant Management

Positions that graduates can hold

The graduate is able to hold the following positions according to the classification of professions DK 003: 2010: specialist in tourist services, travel (excursion) organizer, guide, leisure organization specialist, rural tourism development specialist, conference service specialist, specialized service specialist, instructor of health and sports tourism (by type of tourism), specialist in tourist safety, instructor-methodologist in tourism, tourism inspector.

Partner Institutions

University of Greenwich (London, UK); The Białystok Technical University (Poland); ISMA University (Riga, Latvia); Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk); Caravan Travel Agency.

Additional Information

Department’s Instagram page address:

Our address:

24, Pershotravneva Avenue, Poltava, 36011, Ukraine

Phone numbers:

EDI FEM (05322) 2-16-72


Responsible for enrollees’ guidance:

Vitalii Svichkar, +380502685328

Nadiia Bakalo, +380501318498

Contact Information

Contact the Admissions Office for more information

 +38 (0532) 56-16-04

 +38 (099) 057-65-17

 +38 (0532) 56-19-48

 +38 (0532) 56-18-97

Or in messengers: