
Amendments to the Regulations on the Election of NAQA members are approved

On February 2, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved amendments to the Regulations on the competition for the election of members of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance. This document brings into line the new legislative norms for the formation of the NAQA’s composition, established by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education".

Amendments to the Regulations on the Election of NAQA members are approved

The Government of Ukraine has approved amendments to the Regulations on the competition for the election of members of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance. This document brought into compliance with the new legislative norms for the formation of the composition of the National Agency established by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education".

 Among the main changes:

  • a limit on the number of persons in the branch of knowledge will apply only to candidates nominated by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, national branch academies of sciences, higher education institutions of state, municipal or private ownership;
  • there is now an opportunity for the candidate to note in the application 2 branches of knowledge, which increases the chances of becoming a member of the National Agency;
  • the selection procedure was improved.

It should be noted that the quantitative number of NAQA members should consist of 23 people appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of the decision of the Competition Commission for the selection of members of the National Agency. Candidates are selected based on the results of competition selection, which is conducted in compliance with the principles of gender balance and sectoral representation.

According to the above offered amendments, the NAQA will include 3 persons from among the representatives of all-Ukrainian associations of employers' organizations, 2 persons from among those receiving higher education of the first or second level and at least one representative from among the persons working in the following institutions:

  • National Academy of Sciences;
  • national branch academy of sciences (representative from each academy);
  • institution of higher education of state ownership;
  • institution of higher education of municipal ownership;
  • institution of higher education of private ownership.

When forming the composition of the NAQA, the requirement to ensure representation by one person from the field of study from among the candidates selected by the subjects of nomination is certainly observed. In accordance with the principle of field representation, the Competition Commission is guided by the list of branches of knowledge and specialties in which students are eduated.

A person may be nominated as a candidate for membership of the NAQA by one of the subjects of nomination, or by self-nomination. Simultaneous nomination from these entities, self-nomination or contemporaneous nomination from different entities is not allowed.

Candidates for membership in the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance in order to be admitted to the competition must meet the following qualification requirements: 

  • proficiency in the state language;
  • experience of scientific (scientific and pedagogical) or professional work not less than 3 years (except for those receiving higher education);
  • adherence to academic integrity;
  • experience in developing or implementing higher education quality assurance processes in accordance with standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015), work in expert groups, field expert councils of the National Agency, subdivisions on internal quality assurance of higher education, research methodical commissions (subcommittees) of the Ministry of Education and Science, working groups on the development of normative documents, methodological materials on the quality of higher education, etc.

In the near future, a meeting of the Competition Commission will be held to announce a new competition for the election of NAQA members.

It should be recalled that the Government approved an updated Procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine launched a platform for communication and effective interaction between science and business, and the "Paton Bridge" competition will take place for the first time this year.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”