
Block of NMT tasks on the history of Ukraine is significantly expanded

The entrants of 2023, who will choose the history of Ukraine as the third subject of the national multi-subject test (NMT), will work with tasks covering a period of 5 centuries. In total, the block will contain 30 tasks, and to obtain a positive test result on a scale of 100–200 points, the applicant will need to score at least 6 test points.

Block of NMT tasks on the history of Ukraine is significantly expanded

The entrants of 2023, who will choose the history of Ukraine as the third subject of the national multi-subject test (NMT), will work with tasks covering a period of 5 centuries.

According to the characteristics of the tests that will be applied in 2023, the tasks will relate to the historical period “History of Ukraine (second half of the XVIth – beginning of the XXIst century)”.

In total, the block of tasks on the history of Ukraine will contain 30 tasks - 20 tasks with the choice of one correct answer, 4 tasks for establishing “logical pairs”, 3 tasks for establishing a sequence and 3 tasks with a choice of 3 answers from 7 offered.

In order to obtain a positive test result on a scale of 100–200 points, the applicant will need to score at least 6 test points. The maximum number of test points for this NMT subject block is 54 points.

For comparison, the participants of NMT in 2022 during testing worked with tasks related to the historical period: “History of Ukraine 1914 – the beginning of the XXIst century”, i.e. with topics that were previously part of the DPA in the form of an external examination on the history of Ukraine.

To obtain a positive result on a scale of 100-200 points for each subject, the participant will need to score at least 10% of the total number of test points.

Read more about the specifics of the NMT in 2023 here.

To receive timely information about the NMT and the admission campaign-2023, join the channel Vstup.OSVITA.UA in Telegram.

It should be recalled that the model of the admission campaign to institutions of higher education has been presented.

Previously, entrants will be able to choose specialties with different combinations of NMT, the average score of the certificate will not be used for admission, applicants from the occupied territories will enter remotely, passing scores in all subjects of the national multi-subject test (NMT) have been increased.

Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”