
Cherry blossoms, spruces and roses are planted at the Polytechnic: the university begins a large-scale park revitalization

A presentation of the first stage of the dendrological revitalization of the university park took place as part of the two-month cleanliness and beautification campaign at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic". The project proposed by specialists in urban landscaping takes into account the specifics of the park area location, and a new landscape environment will be created with new ornamental species of trees and plants – common and Serbian spruce, cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossoms, spruces and roses are planted at the Polytechnic: the university begins a large-scale park revitalization

On April 1, 2023, the presentation of the first stage of the dendrological revitalization of the university park, as part of a series of educational and environmental activities and the implementation of the concept of inner yard improvement, was held at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic". The project takes into account the specifics of the park area location, the prevailing trends in European society for the reuse of materials, and the change of terrain due to the movement of earth masses as well as the creation of modern student zones for various types of activities.

In the future, everyone – Poltava residents and guests of our wonderful city, will have open access to the renewed space of the university park. The author of the strategy for dendrological revitalization of the university park was a specialist in urban landscaping, senior lecturer of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management Pavlo Vasyliev.

"We have started a large-scale renewal and rejuvenation of plantings in our cozy yard!

On these tragic anniversaries of the deaths of innocent people, civilians, servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are defending our territorial integrity and independence, in light of the memory of those who died at Bucha, Borodianka, Irpin, and Bakhmut, we are making our own contribution to the improvement of our country.

I think everyone saw how for two months the relevant preparatory work was carried out – cutting down hazardous trees, trees that have reached more than 50 years of age. Such plantings posed a certain threat and danger to all participants in the educational process. Now, instead of the old trees, we have planted more than a hundred new ornamental trees and plants – common spruces, wild black cherries, Japanese spirea, white turf, and rose bushes.

I am firmly convinced that soon our flower gardens will bloom and will delight the eyes of all of us. We have equal rights to enjoy the incredible beauty created by our own hands! Let the park flourish, providing a good mood to all participants of the educational process – from the students to the professors, and even the rector.

The project proposed by specialists in urban landscaping takes into account the specifics of the park area location and will result in the creation of a new landscape environment. In accordance with European concepts, recreation areas and open-air classrooms will be created on the university’s territory. The special value of this project lies in the embedded creative ideas of landscape design specialist – senior lecturer of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture Pavlo Vasyliev and the entire Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management. I am proud that our classical university has a powerful structural unit that generates cool, modern ideas and creates an area that is comfortable to stay in, an area that encourages students to study with flying colours, an area of happy and successful people.

During the month, one can familiarize yourself with the dendrological revitalization strategy of the university territory in the lobby of the central building.

I congratulate the entire academic staff and student team of the Poltava Polytechnic on a significant event that will certainly be included in the calendar of personal and socially important events. Imagine, without even realizing it, we are creating such a park for a century or even more, so that our descendants will remember us with a kind word while walking around it!

Poltava Polytechnic is, as our distinguished guests say, "the university of life"!

We are grateful to our defenders that we can live, work and educate children for the bright future of our country.

Glory to the Armed Forces!

Glory to Ukraine!" – emphasized the rector of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

In February, the Rectorate of the Poltava Polytechnic approved the strategy for dendrological revitalization of the university territory, according to which the preliminary preparatory work, in particular, the cutting down of hazardous trees, was underway. The scheme of dendrological revitalization of green spaces was detailed even before the full-scale invasion, and trees with age characteristics were identified.

According to the author of the conceptual project, the primary task was to create a comfortable space in front of the central building, given the presence of historical, memorial and active recreation zones.

"The project considers two main areas of planting planning – rejuvenation and renewal of trees in the university park. Given the age characteristics of ornamental tree and shrub plantings, the rejuvenation process will be gradual. Notably, young spruce trees will be gradually replacing old plantings. I would like to note that our concept took into account the general features of the architectural ensemble, its unique color in the style of classicism, leaving certain such landscape hints of this stylistic direction.

It was proposed to make a certain modern emphasis on the regular style in the monumental planting of plants in this area. Having modern and innovative locations, similar to the recently opened DTEK Alley, and memorial zones in memory of the defenders, we will draw the visitors’ attention to these attractions in the front part of the university yard through landscaping.

As part of the presentation in the park area of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", the administration as well as scientific and pedagogical staff of the university jointly planted about a dozen seedlings of common spruce, Serbian spruce, cherry blossoms, whose wonderful spherical crowns will create the necessary shadow effect for the rest of the greenery in the future. Almost a hundred Japanese spirea bushes, more than 20 bushes of white turf, and about 30 bushes of hybrid tea roses will delight the eyes of visitors. In general, according to the presented plan of the dendrological revitalization of the university park area, more than 120 garden and ornamental plants will be planted at the first stage.  

During the month, one can familiarize yourself with the dendrological revitalization strategy of the university territory in the lobby of the central building.

It should be recalled that on the territory of the Poltava city territorial community in the period from March 22, 2023 to May 22, 2023, a two-month cleanliness and beautification campaign is being held, which aims to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the community, to carry out work on the elimination of unauthorized landfills of solid household and other waste.

Recently, the first Gender Center in the Poltava region was presented at the Polytechnic, and the university presented educational opportunities for internally displaced persons.

Earlier, the Head of the State Geologic and Subsoil Survey of Ukraine awarded the rector of the Polytechnic for his significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful cooperation, the IX International Industry Forum on energy security as the top priority direction of the development of the oil and gas industry of Ukraine was held on the basis of the university, during which the rector of the Polytechnic presented relevant cases of the university's strategic partnership between business and government.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”