
Elsevier provides Ukrainian scientists with free access to ScienceDirect articles

Elsevier condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and provides Ukrainian scientists with free access to ScienceDirect articles. The company continues to monitor the situation closely to assess the possibilities of providing further substantial and effective support to victims.

Elsevier provides Ukrainian scientists with free access to ScienceDirect articles

Elsevier provides Ukrainian scientists with free access to the collection of scientific publications ScienceDirect. Elsevier also announced the availability of its products for Ukrainian medical students, nurses and clinicians.

A letter from the Elsevier STM Journals consortium to Academician Yaroslav Yatskiv, member of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, chairman of the Scientific Publishing Council of the NAS of Ukraine, director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine is published on the website of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Publishing company Elsevier condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and joins the call for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and restore peace.

"We support the people of Ukraine and seek to support our colleagues as well as the research and medical communities affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis," – said the company in a statement on its official website.

In addition, Elsevier, together with its subsidiaries, donates $1 million to UNICEF Ukraine Appeal, the Red Cross and other organizations that help Ukraine and border countries to support their efforts in ensuring immediate protection, medical care and urgent needs. In addition, individual donations are made by individuals.

According to the materials of the NAS of Ukraine