
Entrants from TOT are to be able to enter Ukrainian higher education institutions remotely

Graduates from the temporarily occupied territories will have the opportunity to enter Ukrainian higher education institutions in the format of a remote interview or a creative competition. Contrary to the occupiers blocking the departure of applicants, the Ministry of Education and Science is doing everything to ensure that all those interested will have the opportunity to study in higher education institutions of Ukraine.

Entrants from TOT are to be able to enter Ukrainian higher education institutions remotely

For graduates from the temporarily occupied territories, the possibility of admission to higher education institutions in the format of a remote interview or a creative competition is provided. The Ministry of Education and Science, together with relevant ministries, people’s deputies, and educators, are working on a decision to provide such entrants with the opportunity to take the NMT in safe conditions.

“Currently, an important goal is to give entrants from the temporarily occupied territories and the zone of active hostilities the opportunity to participate in the NMT. In spite of the occupiers blocking the departure of entrants, we are fighting for every current and future Ukrainian student,” – wrote Serhii Shkarlet on his Telegram channel.

For this purpose, entrance tests will be held in three sessions (July, August, September) both in Ukraine and abroad. Additional periods of registration for the test and the possibility of changing the previously indicated place of its taking are also provided.

“For entrants who will not be able to leave for the territory under the control of the Government or who have been forcibly moved to the temporarily occupied territory (AR Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, ORDLO), the territory of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, it will be prescribed to take entrance tests in the format of a remote individual oral interview or a creative competition. When enrolling in a contract form of education (for most specialties), it is enough for the entrant to submit a motivational letter,” – noted the Minister.

All residents of TOT and places of hostilities, who will receive positive results on entrance tests, will be able to use a special quota (quota-2) in higher education institutions or be guaranteed admission to institutions of professional education.