
Future financiers discuss modern technologies for managing personal savings

On March 20, at the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, a meeting of the students’ scientific club dedicated to modern technologies of personal finance management was held. The participants of the club discussed the essence, components of effective management of own savings and analysed modern tools for their investments.

Future financiers discuss modern technologies for managing personal savings

On the first day of the World Money Week, students of the Educational and Research Institute of Finance, Economics, Management and Law of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” under the leadership of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation Svitlana Yehorycheva held another meeting of the students’ scientific club “Modern technologies of personal finance management”.

The chosen topic of the meeting coincided with the slogan of the international information campaign on financial awareness of Global Money Week – “Learn.Save.Earn.”, aimed at developing the financial awareness of children and young people. The purpose of a powerful information campaign was to form the necessary knowledge, practical skills, behaviour and attitude towards money, necessary for making smart and balanced financial decisions, which will make it possible to achieve financial well-being and independence. The official theme of Global Money Week in 2023 is “Plan your money, plant your future”. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and the impact of personal financial decisions on one’s own future, the environment and society.

In her introductory speech, Head of the students’ scientific club, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation of the Poltava Polytechnic Svitlana Yehorycheva emphasized that in difficult modern conditions, caused by a number of well-known reasons, the ability to manage one’s own finances will definitely be needed. After all, the level of frugality of the population directly depends on its social and economic well-being.

The participants of the club discussed meaningful reports, thorough scientific research, presented by future financiers. Speakers were first-year students majoring in “Finance, Banking and Insurance”. Their scientific research became a logical development of the knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the “Household Finances” course.

In particular, Oleksandr Tokar, a student of the EF-101 group, presented the report “Fundamentals of personal finance management”, in which he described the essence and components of personal finances, strategies for managing them to achieve financial goals, and explained the concept of financial independence.

A student of the EF-101 group Anastasiia Neusmekhova, in her speech “Basic rules of managing personal finances” focused the attention of young people on the peculiarities and complexities of managing personal finances in modern Ukrainian conditions, and also warned against getting used to “living in debt” by giving specific recommendations for overcoming debt traps.

A student of the EF-101 group Valentyna Babets, in her report “Modern tools for investing one’s own savings” analysed the existing and prospective investment opportunities of the population’s savings in Ukraine in order to increase welfare and protect against unforeseen circumstances, focusing on the cost and riskiness of various investments.

A student of the EFit-101 group Polina Protsenko described the possibilities of various computer programs and mobile applications for managing personal finances in the speech “Online tools for managing personal finances”. The speaker demonstrated how such software allows organizing and controlling personal financial resources, helping to reduce unnecessary expenses and make smart financial decisions.

All participants of the meeting of the scientific club showed great interest in the considered issues, which was manifested in questions, exchange of opinions and appeal to their own experience in the field of personal finance management.

Even in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” continues to systematically conduct professional and educational activities along with involving highly qualified experts in the financial and banking sphere in a constructive dialogue with student youth.

It should be recalled that the Global Money Week campaign, first organized by the International Financial Education Network of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), has been held since 2012. During this time, 176 countries joined it, including since 2015 – Ukraine, 16.2 thousand organizations, 219 million participants, 50 million children and youth.

Previously, future financiers learned about the risks associated with the use of cryptocurrencies, learned how to invest savings and improve personal financial literacy, and considered the current trends in the activity of credit unions using the example of the first “Mutual Aid Fund” in Poltava.

Recently, a specialist of JSC “Poltava-bank” – a university graduate gave a lecture to students on compliance risk management in the banking sector, and a leading expert in the field of energy Yevhen Palienka gave a lecture on the economic factors of the modern oil and gas production business.

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