
Happy National Flag Day of Ukraine!

Rector of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko congratulates on the national holiday:

Happy National Flag Day of Ukraine!

Today, our whole country, all Ukrainian people are going through a difficult test and selflessly fighting for life, freedom and will. And in this difficult battle, we fight under the colours of our State Flag, which is splashed with blood, but flies proudly, inspiring every Ukrainian. It was under it that historical events took place during all the years of independent Ukraine.

Our Flag is a symbol of the spirit of Ukraine, national unity and dignity.

Let the blue-yellow flag flutter proudly in the wind of freedom, awaken a sense of patriotism and unite us all in the fight against the enemy!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!