
How to stay in touch in a critical situation: SSSCIP experts share effective tips with Ukrainians

Specialists of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP) shared effective tips on how to stay calm and remain in touch in critical situations. Average Ukrainians are advised to limit the use of mobile communications, to use fixed communication lines to transfer information, to give preference to text messages and to use national roaming.

How to stay in touch in a critical situation: SSSCIP experts share effective tips with Ukrainians

The enemy is systematically attacking the infrastructure throughout the country, including objects that ensure the operation of communications. Because of this, SSSCIP experts recommend that Ukrainians limit the use of mobile communications to a minimum:

  • always use fixed communication networks, if there is such an opportunity – by the way, some shelters are equipped with a Wi-Fi network;
  • if possible, abandon video in favor of text formats;
  • prefer text messages over voice calls and video calls;
  • reduce all conversations to a minimum, as it is possible that at this very moment someone is trying to use the network to call rescuers or an ambulance;
  • set the traffic limit in the application settings, the lowest resolution in the YouTube video settings;
  • disable the mode of automatic media files download in messengers: (Messenger settings → Data and storage or Media files → Disable the “Background download” option / in the “Via mobile network” section, disable “Auto-download media”);
  • if your operator’s network is down, use national roaming;
  • download all the necessary information to the smartphone memory or write it down on a piece of paper.

At the same time, experts recommend the following measures for your safety:

  • subscribe to channels and accounts in social networks of services that provide help, including in your region: State Emergency Service, state and local authorities, etc.;
  • install messengers on the phone in advance that work on the principle of a walkie-talkie in order to keep in touch in case the network disappears. The operating range of such applications depends on the Bluetooth generation and signal interference (up to 60-100 m). Agree on using one application with neighbors to stay in touch, for example: Bridgefy Android or iOS;
  • do not leave the shelter until the air raid alarm signal ends, even if there is no communication in there.

Tips of the SSSCIP on what to do if the mobile Internet and communication do not work:

  • if you need urgent help to call the emergency services, call 112. If the network capacity is not enough, send a message to your loved ones asking them to call.

Specify the following data:

  • location (address or local landmarks);
  • what is happening (the shelter has collapsed, there are injured or killed);
  • how many people are with you, health status (specific diseases, for example, diabetes);
  • injury and time of injury;
  • needs (medicine, food, water).

If there is no connection – save the information in the notes and send it as soon as the connection appears.

Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”