
Innovative children’s space is opened at the Poltava Polytechnic as part of the second phase of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader

National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” celebrated Children’s Day by opening the second stage of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader, which functions effectively on the basis of the university. The open, state-of-the-art location takes into account all the recommendations of practitioners, educators of the Center, parents and children themselves, thus creating a safe educational environment for the development and education of future leaders.

Innovative children’s space is opened at the Poltava Polytechnic as part of the second phase of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader

On Children’s Day at the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, a significant event took place for the whole team of like-minded people of the Poltava Polytechnic – they solemnly opened a new location, an interactive innovative children’s park, which has now become a scientific and educational site of the second stage of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader, effectively functioning on the basis of the university. Work on the project began immediately after the opening of the first group of the Innovation Center in October 2022, since the number of people wishing to attend the kindergarten on the basis of the leading higher education institution of the Poltava region almost immediately exceeded the capabilities of the newly opened educational and pedagogical space.

The honourable and truly historic mission of opening a new innovative site was carried out with great pleasure by the Rector of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko and an old friend, partner of the Poltava Polytechnic – People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Development and Preschool Education of the the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, author of the educational brand Mr.Leader, member of the Supervisory Board of the Poltava Polytechnic Volodymyr Voronov, who did not hide his pleasant surprise at the dynamic changes in the development of the university.

In the presence of young pupils of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader and their parents, the guests of honour cut the symbolic ribbon and invited the children to familiarize themselves with the wide possibilities of the ultra-modern premises – comfortable furniture, multimedia equipment for educational activities, interesting toys, comfortable cots for day rest, a children’s sanitary unit, a separate playground for walks in the fresh air.

“Since the beginning of October 2022, when our Center began to operate, we have nurtured the idea of expanding the innovative space for our pupils and arranging new locations in the university, thus creating an innovative children’s park with its own playground, cots for rest, a children’s sanitary unit, a sports hall and open space for walking in the fresh air.

The newly opened location takes into account all the recommendations of practitioners, educators of the Center, parents and the children themselves! After all, looking at the happy smiles of our children, reading the support in the eyes of their parents, we clearly realize that we are on the right path together!

We succeeded in the most important thing – to create a safe educational environment where every child can be creative, draw, learn new interesting topics, communicate with friends, socialize and be formed as a future leader.

Special gratitude to Volodymyr Anatoliiovych Voronov for his support, willingness to always help in solving urgent issues and high trust in our university in the field of implementing a pilot educational project – the functioning of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader on the basis of Poltava Polytechnic.

I am happy to welcome children and their parents on a special day – Children’s Day, as this symbolic date was chosen not by chance to give our new pupils the opportunity to see how cool it is to visit the university every day at the age of three!

It is pleasant to see the happy eyes and smiles of our children, who, despite the war, are in a good mood and charge us, adults, with their bright energy, to joyfully hear children’s laughter under the windows of the office and to receive special, pleasant emotions from it. This adds inspiration for new creative ideas and faith in the indomitability of our great nation!” – commented on the importance of the event in the life of the entire university, Rector of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

According to People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Development and Preschool Education of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, author of the educational brand Mr.Leader Volodymyr Voronov, practical cases of effective activities of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children Mr.Leader of Poltava Polytechnic can be taken as an example for other regional universities.

“Undertaking to implement a pilot educational project on the basis of a higher education institution, I was sure that the university would cope, despite any difficult challenges. Knowing the huge dynamic potential, the coordinated teamwork of professionals who work to ensure the educational and developmental needs of children who attend the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children “Mr.Leader” of Poltava Polytechnic I am ready to support further initiatives,” – commented Volodymyr Voronov.

The opening ceremony was attended by the head of the Center for Early Child Development and Preschool Education of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Olha Reipolska, Deputy Director of the Department of Education of the Poltava City Council Lesia Martalishvili, Deputy of the Poltava Regional Council, Head of the Standing Committee on Education, Science and Culture of the Poltava Regional Council Oleh Didenko as well as representatives of the education departments of the united territorial communities of the Poltava region, who also shared their pleasant impressions of what they saw.

“I was pleasantly surprised by the dynamic changes in the life of the university, its global scientific and educational transformations. Safety, comfortable conditions for the development and formation of young leaders as well as great love for children are the main components of a successful pilot project implemented in a relatively short period of time. It is good that the successful cases of the Poltava Polytechnic are beginning to be used in the territorial communities of the Poltava region, finding support from the heads of local self-government bodies and deputies of various levels,” – emphasized Oleh Didenko.

Despite the war and air raid alerts, the childhood of Ukrainian kids should be happy – on this day, on the occasion of the holiday, the little pupils of the Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children had a great time playing with the animators, the dog Patron, well known throughout the country, caused special delight, because he found time in his busy work schedule and visited the children for the holiday.

It should be recalled that earlier Poltava Polytechnic opened the first Center for Education and Care of Preschool Children in Ukraine on the basis of a higher education institution, and pupils of the Center for Education and Care Mr.Leader passed the test and received the “Leader’s ABC’s”.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”