
Lecturers and students-choreographers discuss successful cases of the choreographic team leader’s activity on the example of a children’s dance ensemble

Lecturers and students of the Department of Choreography and Sport Dance of Poltava Polytechnic attended a lecture by Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Department of Choreography and Art History of Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture Valentyna Vartovnyk. The participants examined the concept of pedagogical skills of a choreographic team leader on the example of one of the best children’s folk dance ensembles in Ukraine, “Serpanok”.

Lecturers and students-choreographers discuss successful cases of the choreographic team leader’s activity on the example of a children’s dance ensemble

Within the framework of the agreement on scientific and educational cooperation between two leading higher education institutions, an active exchange of practical experience and professional cases continues between the teachers of Choreography and Sport Dance Department of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and the academic staff of Choreography and Art History Department of Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture.

In particular, the teachers and first-year students majoring in 024 Choreography of the Department of Choreography and Sport Dance of Poltava Polytechnic recently attended an open guest lecture “The Essence of Pedagogical Skills of a Choreography Director” by Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Department of Choreography and Art History of Lviv Ivan Boberskyi State University of Physical Culture Valentyna Vartovnyk. The event was held online, which did not prevent the students and the lecturer from exchanging constructive opinions on the topics discussed and establishing fruitful professional communication for the purpose of close exchange of professional and personal achievements in the field of choreographic art.

During the lecture, the future choreographers and their university mentors watched a documentary about the creative path of one of the best children’s folk dance ensembles in Ukraine, “Serpanok” (Eng. Gauze), whose artistic director for many years was Valentyna Vartovnyk.

At the end of the fruitful scientific, educational and practice-oriented dialogue, Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Choreography and Sport Dance of Poltava Polytechnic, Associate Professor Petro Horhol, on behalf of his colleagues and choreography students of the university, expressed his sincere gratitude to Valentyna Oleksandrivna for the interesting and creative presentation of practical and lecture material, inviting her to further scientific and creative cooperation.

Summing up the effectiveness of the scientific and educational partnership, the participants of the event also discussed the priority areas of fruitful cooperation between the teachers of the Department of Choreography and Sport Dance of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and the Department of Choreography and Art History of Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture in the field of organising and conducting scientific, sport, cultural and artistic projects.

It should be recalled that the choreography students held an open class on the methods of teaching classical dance, the university teachers and students attended a guest lecture on the choreographer’s style of work in technical and aesthetic sports, future choreographers attended a master class in Brazilian samba from the famous sports dance mentor Olena Rahulina, and the winner of “Tantsiuiut Vsi-3 (Everybody Dance-3)” Oleksandr Herashchenko held a master class in modern dance for the Polytechnic’s choreography students.

Recently, the student theatre “Carpe Diem” presented a charity performance “The Depths of Fear”, members of the university’s literary studio looked through the pages of the works of a brilliant mystic writer, and future translators practised consecutive translation while travelling around the locations of Poltava Art Museum.

Earlier, Poltava Polytechnic started cooperation with Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”