In accordance with the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March11, 2020 No. 211 (with amendments by the Decree of the CMU of April 22, 2020 No. 291, amendments by the Decree of the CMU of May 4, 2020 No. 343, amendments by the Decree of the CMU of May 20, 2020, No. 392) due to the lockdown extension and to prevent the Coronavirus spreading the lockdown is extended from May 22 to June 22, 2020.
However, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine allowed Poltava region to introduce the second stage of lockdown easing. The Cabinet of Ministers also determined the list of allowed events in the region with eased limitations, in particular those concerning the educational institutions (the Decree of May 20, 2020, No. 392 “On the Introduction of Lockdown to Prevent the Spread of the Respiratory Infection COVID-19 caused by Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 on the Territory of Ukraine, and the Stages of Easing the Anti-epidemic Measures”).
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science Liubomyra Mandzii commented on the government’s decree and stressed that the higher education institutions in the regions where the lockdown measures are eased can start working with students in the classrooms. It will be possible to continue the educational process, particularly for passing the final exams. This can be done only with groups of no more than 10 people.
“As to the exam sessions. Yes, it will be possible from June, 1, in higher education institutions, but only following all the anti-epidemic measures and with groups of no more than 10 people. But it all depends on each administrative territory, so for easing the lockdown the decision has to be made by the regional commissions,” the Head of the Ministry of Education and Science noted.
On May 23, the meeting of the Regional Commission on Technical and Ecological Safety and Emergencies of Poltava region was held. The Head of the commission, Deputy Head of Poltava Regional State Administration Yevhen Hrekov discussed the introduction of adaptive lockdown and easing the lockdown limitation with the heads of districts and local self-government bodies.
In accordance with the decision of the Regional Commission on TESE in Poltava region of 23.05.2020 No 16/2020, from June 1, it will be allowed to attend classes in group of no more than 10 people at Poltava education institutions, to hold professional and practical training and state qualification attestation in the professional education institutions, preparations for the practical training at production sites, laboratory experiments and gym workouts, the attestation of higher education receivers and appropriate preparations, to receive the documents on professional (professional technical) and higher education, to participate in the educational process connected with the education of adults, in the public defense of scientific achievements in the form of theses and in appropriate preparations.
“The students are going to return to university. There are two documents, the Decree of the Cabinet of Minister and the Decision of the regional Commission of TESE. Within them, we are allowed to resume the classes, exams and dissertation defenses. Now we only talk about the graduating students, last-year students, it’s necessary to hold their attestation and defense of theses, because in some specialization it is just impossible to do that online. The university prepared appropriate decree. We also will ensure the possibility for students to do laboratory and practical classes which require their personal presence in the classrooms. For the rest of students, the exams will be held online. Both exams and practical classes will be held in groups of 10 or less people, with appropriate distancing and only with the personal protection means. At the entrance to the university, all the visitors will have to pass the temperature screening,” the Head of the Group, Rector of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Volodymyr Onyshchenko commented.
So, from June 1, 2020 the students will partly return to the university.
Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”