
Lyceum students undergo philological practice at the Faculty of Humanities

Lecturers of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Humanities for the third time in a row joined the scientific practice by students of 6 to 9 forms of Poltava Scientific Lyceum №3. At the Polytechnic, young lyceum students diligently mastered new language skills and prepared for the “Cambridge Exams B1” International English Language Exam.

Lyceum students undergo philological practice at the Faculty of Humanities

During January 10-14, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty of Humanities of Poltava Polytechnic actively participated in the scientific practice of students of 6 to 9 forms of Poltava Scientific Lyceum №3, educational sessions of lyceum students under the guidance of experienced foreign language lecturers L. Kyrychok and S. Hryn took place in innovative laboratories and international language centers of the university. Students were working hard on the “School Exams” project as well as preparing for the “Cambridge Exams B1” International English Language Exam.

“Such scientific and educational cooperation is very useful for students as well as their mentors, and our lecturers are willing to participate in the active exchange of knowledge, to contribute to the formation of new approaches in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. It is nice to note the fact that students of Poltava Scientific Lyceum №3 participate in a variety of intellectual and creative activities that take place on the basis of Poltava Polytechnic, take part in workshops, round tables, scientific conferences, various competitions and festivals. Lyceum students have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of city prizes, intellectual contests and competitions, so it is no coincidence that our university has become the basis for their language practice for the third time,” – commented Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Tetiana Kushnirova.

The scientist told the student youth about the many activities traditionally held at the Faculty of Humanities, which help improve the level of foreign language proficiency, including meetings with foreign students, lecturers, professional translators, specialists in various fields. She also described the advantages of the translator’s profession in the modern information world.

During the scientific practice, students visited the innovative scientific and educational locations of Poltava Polytechnic, worked in language laboratories and had a fruitful conversation with scientists-philologists of the university. More than two hundred years of history of the leading higher education institution, leader of educational innovations of Poltava region, the most popular specialties and priority areas of practical training were presented in detail by the head of the preparatory department of the Center for Students and Gifted Youth Svitlana Revenko, who told them about the benefits of the university and created great opportunities for modern youth. Lecturers-philologists emphasized the peculiarities of mastering knowledge at the Faculty of Humanities, the specialties in which students study and provided practical advice on choosing a future profession.

Students were highly interested in the weekly speaking clubs at the Faculty of Humanities, so they scheduled meetings at the Speaking Club with Alex Purcell from Britain, moderated by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Anna Aheicheva and Sprachklub with Herr Norbert Müller under the guidance of a senior lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Svitlana Astakhova.

“We hope that the lyceum students have fully mastered educational material and will brilliantly pass the international English language exam “Cambridge Exams B1”. After all, Poltava Polytechnic, as a multidisciplinary classical university of European level, is always open to fruitful communication, constructive dialogue and takes care of the high level of educational services provided. Until We Meet Again!” – noted Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Tetiana Kushnirova.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” expresses their sincere gratitude to teachers and students of Poltava Scientific Lyceum №3 for interesting cooperation and desire to enhance soft skills with Poltava Polytechnic.

We invite pedagogues, teachers, schoolchildren and students of general secondary, vocational education institutions of Poltava to scientific and educational cooperation.

Previously, lecturers and students of Poltava Polytechnic conducted translation workshops for students of the Scientific Lyceum №3, and last year schoolchildren underwent philological practice and exercised in film translations.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”