
Making a living as a Translator: master's student becomes a participant in an international online event for professional translators

A graduate student in the specialty 035 "Philology" Iryna Lobko took part in the international online event dedicated to employment opportunities in the field of localization for students of translation specialties "Making a living as a translator: top tips for translation students", organized by Women in Localization.

Making a living as a Translator: master's student becomes a participant in an international online event for professional translators

On October 18, 2022, an international event dedicated to employment opportunities in the field of localization for students of translation specialties "Making a living as a translator: top tips for translation students", organized by Women in Localization, was held on the Zoom online platform. 170 students and teachers from all over the world became active participants of the international online meeting. They discussed the peculiarities of the work of specialists in the field of localization. Experienced managers presented the opportunities for students to get their first experience and the activities of the international association of female workers in the field of localization – the organization "Women in Localization".

Master's student of specialty 035 "Philology" of the Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Iryna Lobko took an active part in the discussion of problems regarding potential employment opportunities in the field of localization for students of translation specialties and shared her own experience of working in the field of professional translation.

According to the participant, choosing a profession to their liking, today's youth should predict their own future at least for the next few years and think about the field in which everyone can successfully realize themselves. Such motivational meetings provide answers to the most pressing questions regarding youth employment, positively motivate and inspire to master the professions of an applied nature, taking into account the leading trends in the modern labor market.

The event started with a presentation during which the participants got acquainted with the activities of "Women in Localization" and the main features of localization as an industry. Inger Larsen, Education and Mentoring Manager at the "Women in Localization Global Community" spoke to the students about the career development areas in this field for those with a translation education that are not always obvious. For example, in addition to the traditional role of a translator or editor, philology graduates can work as project managers, localization engineers, quality managers, etc.

The speaker emphasized the useful opportunities available to members of the "Women in Localization" organization, including access to various online events, articles and volunteer positions, educational content that will soon appear on their official website. It is worth noting the fact that registration and membership are free for everyone.

After the presentation, the participants discussed what they heard with the participation of experts working in the field of localization. For example, a representative of RWS, a developer of translation software such as SDL Trados Alison Grimshaw explained what employers pay attention to when looking for translators. Christie Austwick explained the specifics of a project manager's work in localization, and Ka Ui Teo, localization manager at Keywords Studios, presented workflows in video game localization.

Translator Anna Aglers presented the experience of working directly with translation in the field of localization, emphasizing that it is worth trying to find internships that will help you gain experience, or volunteer projects that allow you not only to practice, but also to add a good point to your resume.

At the end of the meeting, participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers and receive qualified answers. According to master's student Iryna Lobko, communicating with practicing specialists and exchanging cases on successful employment significantly expands the potential of European youth and increases their competitiveness in today's difficult conditions.

 The organizers of the event stressed that "Women in Localization" will continue to hold similar events for student youth from different countries of the world and invited everyone to join the intercultural and professional dialogue.

It should be recalled that the master's student translator Iryna Lobko became a scholarship holder of the German DAAD program, a laureate of the V. G. Korolenko literary prize and conducted a workshop for "digital students".

Earlier, students participating in the youth exchange shared their experience of the development of cycling in Ukraine, students-translators became participants in an international project dedicated to the specifics of youth employment, and a philologist-scientist completed an internship at one of the leading German universities and presented the innovative and educational achievements of the university to colleagues in Lower Saxony.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”