In times of war, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine continues to work on the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Professional Education", coordinates its development and approves standards of professional education. As of April 20, 2022, 50 standards of professional junior bachelor degree were approved.
The main purpose of the standards is to solve the problems of training qualified personnel in accordance with the needs of the individual, the national economy and society, as well as to update and modernize the system of professional education.
Thanks to the fruitful collective work of the staff of the Directorate of Professional Education, MES, Scientific and Methodological Center of the Higher and Professional Education, the Sector and Scientific and Methodological Commissions of the SMC (Scientific and Methodological Councils) of the MES, in June 2021, six first standards of the PE were approved, and by February 24, 2022, all planned draft standards were developed and published for public discussion (84).
It should be recalled that the Government has approved the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”