
NMT-2023: registration of participants is underway until May 3, 2023

On April 3, 2023, the registration of entrants to participate in the national multi-subject test began. A video instruction has been prepared for all those who want to register at NMT, in which entrants will learn about what to pay attention to during registration. Registration of participants will take place until May 3.

NMT-2023: registration of participants is underway until May 3, 2023

Registration of participants of the national multi-subject test will continue until May 3, 2023. The Ukrainian Center has prepared demo versions of tests for all subjects, which will help in choosing the subject of the additional block. Where you can take the NMT abroad, see here.

After sending for processing, you should review the information in your personal account. If, instead of a message about successful registration and the possibility of creating a certificate, there is a record of the need to correct deficiencies, you need to do it as soon as possible.

A video instruction has been prepared for all those who wish to register for the NMT, in which entrants will learn what to pay attention to during registration, so that in 7 days they will be able to create a certificate of the NMT 2023 participant in their personal account.

Detailed information on the registration procedure can be found in the “Registration Procedure” section of the UCEQA website.

At the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, a registration point for applicants for the national multi-subject test, which provides personal consultations and assistance in registration at the NMT, has started its work.

It should be recalled that the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment informs applicants what they need to know about the registration procedure for participating in the NMT.

Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”