
Poltava Polytechnic is a socially responsible university that does not raise tuition fees

National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" is the only university in the Poltava region that has made a socially responsible decision to support students during martial law and has not increased tuition fees for the past three years.

Poltava Polytechnic is a socially responsible university that does not raise tuition fees

According to the official website of the National News Service of Ukraine, a number of leading educational institutions of Ukraine significantly raise tuition fees for a wide range of specialties, explaining this by the increase in prices for utilities, energy, the need to update the material and technical base, construction and repair work, etc.

Along with this, Poltava Polytechnic made the only right and socially balanced decision to take care of the economic well-being of its students, future applicants, and not to increase the cost of education, leaving it acceptable for each entrant, while maintaining the highest quality of training future specialists!

The university creates optimal conditions for studying by introducing a minimum price of educational services and bringing it closer to the real level of income and expenses of the population.

Poltava Polytechnic is a powerful innovative university that comprehensively supports talented young people, trains competitive specialists and forms a huge personnel potential for the post-war recovery of our country! Together, we must do a common thing and, by setting a socially balanced tuition fee, Poltava Polytechnic motivates applicants not to go abroad, but to stay in Ukraine, to get a quality European-level education in their country.

It should be recalled that Poltava Polytechnic is the only higher education institution in the region that did not increase tuition fees in 2022-2023 by the inflation index.

National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" confidently holds the educational front and invites you to study!

By joint efforts, we are bringing Victory closer!

It should be recalled that Poltava Polytechnic received the largest volume of state orders in the region and offers the largest range of specialties for applicants.

Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”