
Poltava Polytechnic retains its primacy among higher education institutions of the Poltava region

National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" confirmed its leadership among higher education institutions of the Poltava region, taking first place among the universities in the region according to the consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2023.

Poltava Polytechnic retains its primacy among higher education institutions of the Poltava region

This year, Poltava Polytechnic has demonstrated impressive results. The university rose to the TOP-30 of the best Ukrainian institutions of higher education and took 32nd place in the overall ranking, improving its performance by 19 rating positions compared to last year.

An innovative environment, high-tech specialties, developed international cooperation and academic mobility, active cooperation with business, creative students and highly qualified teaching staff are the keys to the success of Poltava Polytechnic!

Very important information for applicants on choosing a higher education institution for studying and obtaining quality education is the position of the higher education institution of the Poltava region in the general, consolidated ranking of Ukraine for 2023:

"Congratulations to the scientific and pedagogical as well as student team of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" on another educational and scientific Victory!

Extremely frantic pace and eventful every working day, week, month give a successful result that speaks for itself, and this is in the conditions of martial law!

The first places in the rankings are the result of the joint coordinated work of the entire team of the university, and we are proud of the fact that while the Armed Forces of Ukraine are beating the enemy and moving into a counteroffensive, we are firmly holding our own educational and scientific front!" – emphasized the rector of the Poltava National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

It is worth noting that the Poltava Polytechnic is the only institution of higher education in the Poltava region (!), which entered the TOP-10 best universities of the central region of Ukraine, taking 7th place among the leading higher education institutions of Ukraine:

In addition, Poltava Polytechnic took an honorable 8th ranking position among the leading institutions of higher education in our country according to the ranking of the TOP-10 best polytechnic universities of Ukraine (!):

It should be recalled that 239 universities of Ukraine were included in the general consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2023.

Dear applicants, confidently make your own choice and shape your educational trajectory together with the best university, the future of our post-war country is yours!

Develop leadership qualities together with Poltava Polytechnic!

We invite you to study at a highly-rating institution of higher education of Ukraine – the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"!

With faith in Ukraine! We are approaching Victory together!

Previously, Poltava Polytechnic was included in the TOP-50 best universities of Ukraine according to the "TOP-200 Ukraine 2023" ranking.

Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”