
Polytechnic athletes become gold medalists of the European Championship in kettlebell lifting among juniors and adults

Students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" won a full set of gold medals at the European Championship in kettlebell lifting among juniors and adults, held in Greece. The athletes of the Poltava Polytechnic took the first prizes in various categories, having demonstrated good results in confrontations with experienced opponents.

Polytechnic athletes become gold medalists of the European Championship in kettlebell lifting among juniors and adults

On April 20-24, 2023, the Greek city of Nafplion hosted the competitions of the European Championship in kettlebell lifting among juniors and adults. Athletes of the kettlebell section – students and graduates of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" – became active participants in the Championship, and won the first overall team place, demonstrating good results in confrontations with experienced opponents.

The Poltava region team was represented at the competition by:

  • Oleksandr Svyrydenko, student of group 201-FS of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Poltava Polytechnic, master of sports of international class of Ukraine in kettlebell sports;
  • Yelyzaveta Myrna, student of group 201-FS of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Poltava Polytechnic, master of sports of Ukraine in kettlebell sports;
  • Anton Chuiko, student of group 201-FS of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Poltava Polytechnic, master of sports of Ukraine.

The athletes of the Poltava Polytechnic performed well at prestigious competitions and won a full set of gold medals in the tournament, in particular:

  • Oleksandr Svyrydenko became the owner of a full set of gold awards among juniors in the weight category of 68 kg with a weight of 32 kg:

І place – a push in a long cycle;

І place – a classic push;

І place – team relay (push, classic);

І place – a jerk (classic).

  • Anton Chuiko competed among juniors in the 73 kg category with a weight of 32 kg and won:

І place – push (classic);

І place – a jerk (classic);

І place – team relay (long cycle);

І place – team relay (classic).

  • Yelyzaveta Myrna became the best among adults and juniors in the weight category of 63 kg:

І place – a push (long cycle, adults);

І place – a push (long cycle, juniors);

І place – team relay (classic push).

The winners and prize-winners of the competition are awarded honorable certificates as well as gold, silver and bronze medals.

We wish our winners good health, vitality, and significant personal achievements in conquering new peaks of the sports Olympus!

It should be recalled that recently FPCS freshman Yehor Mychko became the silver medalist of the Ukrainian Youth Triathlon Championship, Polytechnic student Volodymyr Lytvyn became the silver medalist of the Ukrainian Armwrestling Championship among youth, adults and veterans, second-year student Mykhailo Serdiuk became the silver medalist of the Ukrainian Muay Thai Boxing Championship among adults, and FPCS student Ruslana Symonenko became a four-time gold medalist of the Ukrainian Armwrestling Championship among youth, adults and veterans.

Previously, Polytechnic student Valeriia Koniukhova became a two-time champion of Ukraine in powerlifting among girls, Polytechnic athletes became bronze medalists of the Ukrainian Women's Futsal Championship, Polytechnic student Alen Marharian became a gold medalist of the ISKA Poltava Region Open Kickboxing Championships, and Polytechnic athletes became gold medalists of the Ukrainian Championship kettlebell lifting among juniors and adults.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”