
Polytechnic athletes become silver medallists of the European Football Championship

The students of Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, as part of the national team of Ukraine, became silver medallists of the European Football Championship among the Athletes with Hearing Impairments, which was held in Turkey. Polytechnic student Leonid Morozov became the best scorer of the tournament, having scored 9 goals against the opponents.

Polytechnic athletes become silver medallists of the European Football Championship

The European Football Championship among Athletes with Hearing Impairments ended in Antalya, Turkey. Teams of experienced athletes from different countries competed for the championship, showing excellent physical results, sports perseverance and a thirst for victory.

Following the competition results, the national team of Ukraine took second place, losing in the final game to France with a score of 3:2. The national team consisted of 11 athletes from Poltava, who demonstrated a well-coordinated team play in the matches with their opponents. Among the players were students of Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”: student of group 202-FS Dmytro Klymentiev and student of group 301-FS Leonid Morozov, who played perfectly for the common team result and showed their sports achievements.

A student of Poltava Polytechnic Leonid Morozov became the best scorer of the European Football Championship among the Athletes with Hearing Impairments, with 9 goals scored against the opponents.

The national football team of Ukraine was coached by Oleksandr Vereshchaka, Viktor Kozin, Serhii Slizhevskyi and Oleksandr Bondarchuk.

We are proud of our athletes, we wish them good health, peaceful sky and new significant sporting achievements!

It should be recalled that recently Polytechnic students became the winners of the “Spring Run-2024” physical training race, and the first-year students of the FPCS won a full set of awards at the Ukrainian Canoeing Championship, the winning team of the regional stage of the competition “Head to Head All-Ukrainian School Leagues” in cheerleading was determined on the basis of the Polytechnic, a student of FPCS won a bronze medal at the Ukrainian Boxing Championship, a graduate and a student of the university became gold medallists of the Ukrainian Team Championship in Athletics among adults and youth.

Earlier, students of Polytechnic became silver and bronze medallists of the European Arm Wrestling Championship, won awards of the Ukrainian Championship among schoolchildren and students, and the second All-Ukrainian sports dance competition “Rector’s Cup of Poltava Polytechnic” was held at the university.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”