
Polytechnic athletes become the winners of the World Powerlifting Championship among male and female juniors, boys and girls

Students of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Polytechnic Poltava” Valeriia Koniukhova and Dariia Holovko won gold and silver awards at the World Powerlifting Championship among male and female juniors, boys and girls, held in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca.

Polytechnic athletes become the winners of the World Powerlifting Championship among male and female juniors, boys and girls

From August 23 to 27, 2023, the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca will host the World Powerlifting Championship among male and female juniors, boys and girls. During spectacular performances, athletes from different countries of the world continue to demonstrate excellent physical form, a high level of training and an intense struggle for victory.

A student of group 201-FR of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Champion of Ukraine in powerlifting among girls Valeriia Koniukhova won the gold medal among girls. In total, the athlete of the Poltava Polytechnic has 2 gold and 1 silver small medal for individual exercises.

A master’s student at the university’s Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports Dariia Holovko took the second place among female juniors, and the athlete has two silver and one bronze medal in her prize fund.

Gifted female students are trained by a Judge of the National Category, an experienced Coach of the Highest Category, a Master of Sports of International Class of Ukraine in powerlifting, the absolute winner of the Championship of the Poltava region in classical bench press, a silver medallist of the European Championship in powerlifting, a World Champion in classical bench press, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” Oksana Hordiienko, who became a mentor for a generation of professional athletes. It should be recalled that under her leadership, Polytechnic student Valeriia Koniukhova became a two-time Champion of Ukraine in powerlifting among girls, and student Dariia Holovko became a Champion of Ukraine and an absolute bronze champion in powerlifting according to the IPF formula among female juniors.

“I am proud of the significant achievements of the athletes of the Poltava Polytechnic powerlifting section! The victories of female students at the World Championship are the results of long daily training, the cultivation of a thirst for conquering new sports peaks and the desire to become better in sports. I wish the girls new achievements at the sports Olympus, the main thing is to never stop at what you have achieved! You are incredible!” – commented Oksana Hordiienko.

Congratulations to the prize-winners and their mentor on winning the World Powerlifting Championship among male and female juniors, boys and girls! We are proud and wish you new significant achievements!

Recently, student-athletes became multi-medallists at the 2023 Para Swimming World Championship, athlete Oleksii Virchenko won the gold medal of the Para Swimming World Championship, becoming the best in the mixed relay and won the bronze award of the Para Swimming World Championship.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”