
Polytechnic celebrates the National Flag Day of Ukraine with a patriotic rally

National Flag Day of Ukraine was celebrated at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic". The staff and students of Poltava Polytechnic joined the patriotic rally, and the People's Museum of University History presented an express exhibition on the occasion of the national holiday.

Polytechnic celebrates the National Flag Day of Ukraine with a patriotic rally

In accordance with the Presidential Decree of August 23, 2004, a new holiday, the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine, was established in Ukraine to commemorate the centuries-old history of Ukrainian statehood, the state symbols of independent Ukraine, and foster respect for the state symbols of Ukraine.

At the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", one of the three symbols of the sovereignty of our state, the State Flag of Ukraine, adorns every important location.

Interesting facts about the National Flag at the Poltava Polytechnic:

  • the highest point where the flag is installed is on the roof of the architectural monument – the central building;
  • The National Flag of Ukraine is installed in the meeting hall of the Academic Council, the large assembly hall, the rector's office, StudHab, the gym, in every dormitory, near the sports fields. It welcomes all visitors on the propylaea, and is always present at all university events;
  • 150-meter-long National Flag: in 2023, teachers and students celebrated the Unity Day with a patriotic flash mob, unfurling the MegaFlag in a human chain;
  • we are the only university in the Poltava region where an open-air square crowned by a large flagpole with the National Flag of Ukraine designed for important celebrations;
  • the colors of the National Flag of Ukraine are present in the coat of arms of the Poltava Polytechnic. The rector's welcome speech and news about this year's celebration are on the university's website.

On the occasion of the national holiday, university employees, scientific and pedagogical workers and students of the Poltava Polytechnic joined the patriotic rally, unfurling the 150-meter-long National Flag and in a live circle, accompanied by the National Anthem, began modest celebrations near the main open stage of the university and the flagpole.

"This year, on the National Flag Day, the eve of the Independence Day of Ukraine, we are especially proudly and solemnly unfurling the flag of our country. The blue-yellow flag is a symbol with an incredible history, strength and fortitude that only Ukrainians have!

The national flag of Ukraine is an eternal symbol of peace and goodness! The flag of the color of the sun and the sky – in children's drawings!

The colors of the blue-yellow flag are dear to the heart of every Ukrainian. They have our Poltava summer, when the sky above Ukraine is so blue, and the fields are so golden! The national flag of Ukraine is truly a flag of peace, the image of which symbolizes Ukrainian statehood, the constitutional values of the young Ukrainian State, the rich traditions and high culture of the Ukrainian people.

Today, this national symbol stands guard over Ukraine's independence and sovereignty.

We are sure that only our colors will fly on our land. In every village, settlement, and city of the Ukrainian state. And our colors will definitely return to the temporarily occupied territories, because this is what our soldiers of light and our selfless and brave Ukrainian people are fighting for. The blue-yellow flag on the armor of our military! And this is the Victory Flag!

Our national symbol is at solidarity events with Ukraine abroad! Today, the whole world is with the Ukrainian Flag, with our heroic people!

Let's protect the national flag of Ukraine as a sacred thing!

Glory to Ukraine!" – made a congratulatory speech the rector, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.

Also, as part of the celebration of the National Flag Day, the head of the Center for Culture and Student Creativity, Hlib Kudriashov, presented an express exhibition of the People's Museum of History of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" with creative works of students of the innovative kindergarten – the Center for Education and Care for Preschool Children "Mr. Leader". 

"At the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" the state symbols of Ukraine are well respected. Our blue-yellow flag crowns the central building of our university, it was under our blue-yellow flag that the institution of higher education for the first time in the Poltava region gained a high national status, the colors of our flag are woven into the coat of arms of the Poltava Polytechnic," – noted the head of the Center for Culture and Student Creativity Hlib Kudriashov.

Earlier, the Rector of the Poltava Polytechnic Volodymyr Onyshchenko congratulated on the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”