The international day is celebrated annually on February, 11, in accordance with the decision of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly of December 22, 2015. Research conducted around that time showed a great imbalance between men and women in the scientific field.
The title of the day mentions not only women but also girls, since this event is intended for highlighting the importance of the problem that the scientific communities of schools do not encourage girls whose participation there is much lower to take part in scientific activities like boys.
According to UNESCO Institute of Statistics, only 28% of scientists in the world are women. In Ukraine, this number is around 46%, which makes for our country being ranked 12th for the number of women scientists among 41 other countries.
The problem of finding oneself in science is incredibly important for women; in the 21st century they still face difficulties and discrimination in this field. Women publish less research papers in STEM, are paid less for their research, and move up the career ladder much slower than men.
This year, the pandemic clearly showed what an important role female researchers paid at different stages of counteracting the COVID-19 pandemic, from deepening the knowledge about the virus to developing the testing methods and vaccines against it. That is why this year’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science was focused on the topic “Women Scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19” and gathered experts working in the field connected to the pandemic from all over the world.
The pages of science history with women's influence are still not studied well enough, and the attitude towards women who chose science as their self-realization field is often prejudiced.
In order to make women visible, to highlight their role and their scientific achievements, the representatives of Ukrainian civic organizations, researchers and activists are developing various art projects, holding round table and scientific discussions.
National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” created great conditions for everyone to take part in scientific activities; the laboratories of our university are constantly updated, and most seats in the Young Scientists Council are taken by women. Female students of different education and research institutes and faculties make their first steps in science at our higher education institution.
Over the 2000-year history of educational traditions of Poltava Polytechnic, many talented women scientists made considerable contributions into the development of science at our university and in Ukraine. As of today, Poltava Polytechnic is a leader in our region for women's achievements in science. Our university is proud of its female winners of prestigious scientific competitions, authors of large-scale research and important discoveries, laureates of the Presidential Awards of Ukraine for young scientists, other state awards, governmental certificates and diplomas. For the first time in the history of our university, the Presidential Award of Ukraine for Young Scientists in 2020 was given to a women-only team of scientists, including Alina Hlushko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"; Alina Yanko, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"; Olha Dzhyhora, PhD in Economics, Senior Teacher of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.
Congratulations to the students, post-graduates, doctoral students and scientists of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!
We are respectful and thankful for your active mindset, inspiring work and dedication to your vocation. May you have inspiration, fruitful work, new ideas and projects, successes in the scientific research!
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”