
Polytechnic rector congratulates on the main state holiday!

For 547 days and nights, the Ukrainian state has been fighting for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and for a year in a row, Ukrainians have been celebrating the main national holiday in the war, with the pain of losses, from the realization of what a high price the freedom fought for by the defenders has, as our story of indomitability is being written.

Polytechnic rector congratulates on the main state holiday!

The main national holiday of our entire invincible country is celebrated in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, and the whole civilized world admires the courage of the Ukrainian nation, which, despite all obstacles, strives to remain free, independent and prosperous. During the years of Ukraine's independence, our university has gained national status, received nationwide recognition among students, joined the European academic community and represents Ukraine with dignity at the international level. Our persistent work on the development of the higher education system and quality education for Ukrainian youth is confirmed by high positions in the rankings according to various indicators. We can proudly say that all these years we have been making an important contribution to the development of the state, carrying out strategic scientific research and educating future professionals in various fields – from engineering to economics and humanities.

Deep respect to all those who, at the cost of their own lives, are bringing us closer to the common Victory, thanks to whom we can work, study and provide quality European education to young people, happily live each new day on our native land.

Millions of our fellow citizens provide a reliable rear for the Armed Forces of Ukraine with their daily hard work.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, the academic staff and student team of the Poltava Polytechnic in the patriotic cohort of educators and student youth of the whole country took a proactive position not only in ensuring a high-quality educational process, preparing highly qualified specialists for the post-war reconstruction of the country, but also developed a large-scale volunteer movement. Established at the beginning of the war, the Volunteer Headquarters is actively engaged in helping internally displaced persons, military personnel, participates in social and youth projects, and donates. Young people volunteer, hold charity concerts, collect and send humanitarian aid to defenders and affected communities.

We are proud of the indomitability of our country, the courage of its sons and daughters, who bravely defended Ukraine, the inviolability of our borders and give us the opportunity to work on the future of Ukraine!

But along with pride, our hearts are filled with an indescribable sadness for the fallen, among whom are our students and graduates.

Let's remember the feat of the fallen defenders and be worthy of this huge sacrifice.

I am convinced that with joint efforts we will make our country successful and prosperous!

Ukraine is us.

The future of Ukraine is educated and patriotic youth.

I wish you peace and victory!

Happy Independence Day!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!

Rector, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine,
Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko