
Polytechnic scientists take part in the annual AESOP urban congress in Poland

Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management of the Poltava Polytechnic, Doctor of Architecture, Professor Vadim Vadimov and Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture Buildings and Design, Candidate of Architecture Liudmyla Shevchenko took part in the annual AESOP Congress, which was held from July 11 to 15 in Lodz (Poland). Scientists from different parts of the world discussed the principles of integrated planning.

Polytechnic scientists take part in the annual AESOP urban congress in Poland

National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” took part in the International Spatial Planning Congress as a member of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning). The invitation came in March during the 18th international meeting of heads of European Schools of Planning, members of AESOP, in Bratislava (Slovakia).

Participation in the large-scale international urban forum was a continuation of the cooperation between the Poltava Polytechnic and the AESOP team, the EU Centre of Excellence SPECTRA at the Slovak Technical University and representatives of European planning schools.

The annual AESOP congress was held under the slogan “Integrated Planning in a World of Turbulence” in a mixed format. Scientists of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management had the opportunity to participate in the event remotely, visiting online sections.

The Congress was attended by scientists from leading higher education institutions in Italy (University of Bologna, University of Porto, University of Udine, Politecnico di Milano), England (University of Westminster), Poland (University of Lodz), Austria (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), China (Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Chinese University of Hong Kong), Turkey (Istanbul Technical University), Germany (Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau), USA (University of Illinois, Chicago), Israel (Tel Aviv University, TAU), Cyprus (University of Cyprus), Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Colombia, Brazil.

As part of the professional and scientific event, meetings were held with world-renowned scientists in the field of spatial planning: Rachelle Alterman (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology), Bohdan Cherkes (Lviv Polytechnic), Karina M. Pallagst (German Technical University of Kaiserslautern) and Jacek Zauha (University of Gdańsk).

Meetings of nine special sections were held live at the Congress: Active Travel, where comprehensive approaches to active travel were considered; Reviving Shrinking Cities, which outlined innovative ways and prospects for improving the vitality of Europe’s shrinking cities; Contractual Policies, where the practical implications of comparing urban contractual policies for integrated transport and land use planning in the Nordic countries were discussed; Decarbonization, which covered responsible strategic planning in the era of decarbonization; Involving Civil Society, in which the perspective of regional design and the involvement of civil society in integrated planning at the regional level were considered; Small Towns, which discussed the future narratives of small towns; ACSP-AESOP Special Session on Digital Justice Planning.

Meetings of the following thematic sections were held within the framework of the congress to discuss important and topical issues:

  • Under Pressure;
  • Law and Education;
  • Governance;
  • Mobility;
  • Law, Culture and Cohesion;
  • Resilience;
  • Complexity and Urban Futures;
  • Environmentalism;
  • Culture, Tourism & Smart;
  • Inclusivity & Smart;
  • Theories & Postpandemic

After the reports, lively discussions took place in the sections about the presented topics, in which the Poltava Polytechnic scientist Liudmyla Shevchenko took part.

During the congress, there were also meetings of 14 thematic round tables, which discussed: planning theories, experience and perspectives of 30 years of European research in the field of planning, regulation and ethics of environmental consulting on the way to sustainable development, partnership of laws and planning, results of global meetings of the thematic group of the South (and East), issues of socially responsible research, the potential of spatial planning for transformative change to conserve and restore biodiversity in urban and rural areas, the future of the European capital region, planning across borders in times of war and geopolitical conflicts, accessibility to promote active transport on city streets and in districts, revitalization of cities and districts as well as ways of promoting the transformation of sustainable urban development, the role of knowledge transfer between universities and urban practice for sustainable transformation, evaluation of the activities of the scientific community of planners, experience of planning with the participation of communities in different countries of the world (was submitted in the form of short presentations).

“Every five years, AESOP acts as a co-organizer of the World Planning Schools Congress, gathering their representatives from all over the world. The participation of teachers of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management in events at the European level is an important factor for the development of scientific schools of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, directions of scientific research activities of the departments of the educational and research institute, in particular the departments of urban planning and architecture, architecture buildings and design, as well as high-quality, modern practical training of students at the European level. AESOP congresses are open to everyone, so we hope for further scientific meetings with foreign colleagues thanks to membership in AESOP,” – commented Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Land Management of Poltava Polytechnic, Doctor of Architecture, Professor Vadim Vadimov.

“The congress became a large-scale platform for the exchange of information and results of current research in the field of education and planning practice. Thematic tracks as well as invited famous speakers gave an opportunity to join the discussion of the current issues to find ways to solve them. There was a very productive information exchange among scientists, higher education institutions of the world, leading schools of spatial planning,” – said the Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture Buildings and Design, Candidate of Architecture Liudmyla Shevchenko.

AESOP is the only representation of planning schools in Europe, which has more than 150 members from different European countries. AESOP brings together research and teaching staff to train future qualified professionals, architects, urban planners, professional organizations, politicians and other key stakeholders in spatial and urban development as well as management across Europe. National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” became the first higher education institution in Ukraine to receive the prestigious status of a member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).

Earlier, scientists and architectural students presented the pilot project of the first barrier-free school in Poltava, Poltava Polytechnic scientists participated in the reconstruction project in the Kherson region, and the “Youth Space Makers” workshop dedicated to spatial planning of a future regional youth hub was held at the campus of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”