
Polytechnic student becomes a bronze medalist of the international scientific competition "Black Sea Science", having researched a "smart" microclimate control system

A student of specialty 141 "Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" of the Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies and Robotics of the Poltava Polytechnic Andrii Ostapenko became the bronze medalist in the International Student Research Papers Competition "Black Sea Science", held on the basis of the Odesa National Polytechnic University. The young scientist was awarded a III-degree diploma, having researched a "smart" system.

Polytechnic student becomes a bronze medalist of the international scientific competition "Black Sea Science", having researched a "smart" microclimate control system

On March 23, 2023, on the basis of the Odessa National Polytechnic University, under the auspices of the Black Sea Universities Network and the ISEKI-Food Association, the second stage of the "Black Sea Science" International Competition for Student Research Papers was held. The highly qualified professional jury included 145 scientists from Ukraine, Angola, the Republic of Benin, the United States of America, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain, Greece, China, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Republic of Poland, Georgia, Romania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria and Moldova. The presented thorough research received favorable reviews from representatives of the academic scientific community as well as was noted for its scientific novelty and deep relevance.

378 works from Ukrainian and foreign institutions of higher education, including universities from Germany, Oman, Algeria, Lithuania, India, Serbia, Croatia, Pakistan, Poland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Moldova, were submitted to the first stage of the competition. The members of the jury reviewed the research papers of the participants and discussed them online at the meetings. Finalists were selected in each area (25% of peer-reviewed papers according to the rating) and invited to present their work at the final online conference.

The research paper "Intelligent control system of greenhouse microclimate parameters" by Andrii Ostapenko, student of group 201-ME majoring in 141 "Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" of the Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies and Robotics of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" took the third prize. The members of the highly qualified jury highly appreciated the presented research paper, noting its relevance, scientific novelty and practically oriented nature. In total, the student research in the field of "Energy and energy efficiency" received 93 competitive points.

Svitlana Kyslytsia, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Poltava Polytechnic, who works tirelessly to popularize the development of youth science among university students and graduates, became the scientific supervisor and inspirer.

According to the results of the intellectual competition, the student of the Poltava Polytechnic Andrii Ostapenko and his scientific supervisor were awarded a diploma and certificates, and the winner’s work will be published in the collection of research papers of the competition participants. The head of the Department of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies and Robotics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Shefer congratulated the student and the scientific supervisor on the achievement.

"The diploma of the bronze medalist of the prestigious international scientific competition obtained by conscientious work certainly serves as an additional positive incentive for the young scientist to actively continue fruitful work on his own scientific and educational development. Having quite strong opponents among the students of the most powerful universities in our country, we are not going to stop there, we plan to present the results of our own efforts at a high scientific level in the future. We are firmly convinced that our research will find its wide practical application", – commented the scientific director, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Poltava Polytechnic Svitlana Kyslytsia.

We sincerely congratulate the winner and his supervisor! We wish you new accomplishments and significant achievements in your scientific research!

It should be recalled that earlier a graduate of the Polytechnic created a project of a "smart" public transport stop in Poltava, and she devoted her thesis to landscaping in Milan, and another graduate created a universal ground drone and made the program for its modification freely available.

Recently, a pupil of the "Robotics" club became the prize-winner of the regional competition, presenting the project of a robotic terrain research platform, and the master's student of the Polytechnic became the silver prize-winner of the scientific competition, having researched the cooperation of Ukraine and the EU in the field of organic agriculture.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”