
Polytechnic students learn about legal assistance for victims of domestic violence

At the Poltava Polytechnic, a meeting of bachelor’s students took place with the representative of the Poltava Local Center for the Provision of Free Secondary Legal Aid Yurii Nochovnyi, during which the participants discussed means of forestalling and prevention of domestic violence in wartime conditions. The experts considered both the types of violence and the features of resistance and protection, and the students received answers to all their questions of a legal nature.

Polytechnic students learn about legal assistance for victims of domestic violence

On September 22, students of the 2nd-4th academic year of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” met with the lawyer of the Poltava Bureau of Legal Aid No. 1 of the Poltava Local Center for the Provision of Free Secondary Legal Aid Yurii Nochovnyi and the practical psychologist of the university Yevheniia Khomenko regarding the forestalling and prevention of domestic violence in war conditions.

“In the conditions of military hostilities, it is more important than ever to engage in educational activities among young people regarding the forestalling and prevention of family violence and gender-based violence. The problem of violence is not new, it has always existed as one of the priorities in the work of psychological services, however, taking into account the events of military aggression on the territory of our country, this issue appears from a new angle,” – commented Yevheniia Khomenko.

During the event, types of violence were discussed, as well as features of countermeasures and protection, especially psychological. Students received answers to all questions of a legal nature that interested them.

Earlier, the students attended an all-Ukrainian public lecture by NACP on integrity and the fight against corruption, a student translator became a facilitator of a youth exchange dedicated to the fight against hate and bullying, and the university joined the World Cleanup Day.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”