Last April, as part of the implementation of the concept of the courtyard improvement, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” launched the first stage of the dendrological revitalisation of the university park. Having started a large-scale renovation and rejuvenation of the plantations, the university staff planted more than 120 garden and ornamental plants, including decorative cherries (sakura).
Over the year, the sakuras have taken root and now delight with their unique flowers.
This year, on the eve of Environment Day 2024, teachers, students and staff held a clean-up day and laid a garden of continuous flowering – planting magnolias, lilacs and several other types of ornamental trees.
Earlier, the university administration approved the strategy of dendrological revitalisation of the university territory, OPEN SPACE classrooms were opened in the revitalised university park, and Poltava Polytechnic was included in the ranking of the best European universities.
It should be recalled that a new season of open-air classes and recreation is opening at Poltava Polytechnic.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”