
SCHOLARSHIP from SEOquick: students on a contractual basis can win a grant for tuition fees

SEOquick invites students on a contractual basis to become participants in the social program Scholarship and receive a grant for full or partial payment of a year of study at the university.

SCHOLARSHIP from SEOquick: students on a contractual basis can win a grant for tuition fees

SCHOLARSHIP is a unique social project, the purpose of which is to open prospects for youth employment and professional development, to compensate for education in educational institutions. The program is aimed at students of all academic years of any form of education on a contractual basis, regardless of specialty, students of vocational schools, as well as entrants.

"We were also students, we went through a thorny path of study. Needless to say, it is extremely difficult for students to make money without practical experience. It is especially difficult when they need to pay for tuition. Our main desire is to help talented students earn money and open new perspectives for them. The Scholarship assistance program is quite popular in the world. Today we are investing in this program to help talented young people," – said the organizers.

Participants of the social program can be students on a contractual basis of the from first to fifth academic years of full-time, evening, and distance learning of all specialties of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" in six areas

  • Favorable and thrifty microclimate in the house:

grant – UAH 23,000

The engineering company provides the opportunity to receive a grant.

More details at https://alterair.ua/scholarship/ (send questions and works to the e-mail: scholarship@alterair.ua)

Applications for participation and finished works are accepted until February 1, 2022.

The best works will be announced on March 1, 2022.

  • English learning ideas:

grant – UAH 22,000.

You can get acquainted with the conditions of participation at the link – https://greenforest.com.ua/scholarship (send questions and works to the e-mail: hello@greenforest.com.ua)

Deadline for submission of works: February 15, 2022.

Announcement of results with the winners’ names: April 27, 2022.

  • Online advertising:

grant – UAH 18,000

Participation in this area makes it possible to obtain not only a grant, but also realization in larger projects.

All details of participation at https://seoquick.com.ua/scholarship-ua/ (send questions and works to the e-mail: lily@scholarship.events)

Works are accepted until August 10, 2022.

The winners will be announced on August 20, 2022.

  • Ukrainian automotive market and industry:

grant – UAH 20,000

Students who will take part in the SCHOLARSHIP program in this area will have a chance to receive a grant of UAH 20,000, as well as job prospects.

Applications with competition materials are accepted until September 1, 2022.

The name of the winner will be announced within 7 days after the end of the acceptance of applications.

More details at https://renix.com.ua/scholarship/ (questions and works should be sent to the e-mail: scholarship@renix.com.ua)

  • The role of vitamins for human health:

grant – UAH 30,000

Terms of participation at https://biovit.ua/Scholarship (send questions and works to the e-mail: scholarship@biovit.ua)

Acceptance of competition works lasts until November 1, 2022.

The results will be announced on December 1, 2022.

  • New technologies, methods of work and implementation of innovative developments in the field of dentistry:

grant – UAH 27,000

Details of participation at https://lukashuk.com.ua/ua/scholarship/ (send questions and works to the e-mail: lukashuk.dc@gmail.com)

Deadline for submission of works: December 3, 2022.

Announcement of results: January 13, 2023.

Choose the appropriate area, prepare a research and send it to the organizers by e-mail. Wait for the reply letter, where you will be informed about the results of the competition.

Participation in the program is completely free. The winners are awarded a grant for study in the amount of full or partial annual tuition fees at the university – the funds are transferred non-cash to the account of the higher education institution.

It should be recalled that the European Union Delegation to Ukraine continues to select competition applications for Euro-schools 2022 until March 7, and Poltava Polytechnic University invites to participate in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in "Ecology" and the competition of scientific papers in the field of sectoral engineering.

Media Center of
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”