
SPE networking meeting dedicated to snubbing technologies is held at Polytechnic

The Student Branch of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of Poltava Polytechnic together with the Central Ukrainian Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) organised and held a networking event, “Underground Workover of Oil and Gas Wells Using Snubbing Technologies.” The event brought together experienced professionals who shared effective practical cases and talked about the benefits of performing workovers in oil and gas wells under pressure.

SPE networking meeting dedicated to snubbing technologies is held at Polytechnic

On 13 June, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” organised a networking event called “Underground Workover of Oil and Gas Wells with the Help of Snubbing Technologies”, organised by the Central Ukrainian Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and Student Chapter of SPE at Poltava Polytechnic. The event was aimed at engaging oil and gas industry professionals and SPE members in the implementation of snubbing technologies for underground oil and gas well workover.

The large-scale scientific and educational event was attended by representatives of leading oil and gas companies DTEK Oil&Gas, PJSC Ukrnafta, JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya, Denimex, Weatherford, PJSC Naftogazvydobuvannya, UGV-Service, LLC Naftogazenergia, Poltava Drilling Company, Poltava Anti-Flooding Squad and other leading production and service companies.

Even though the practice-oriented event was held in a mixed format, more than 100 participants joined the discussion with the key speakers.

The event was moderated by Maksym Dorokhov, Head of Technology Development at DTEK Oil&Gas, SPE member, SPE Poltava Region Officer, and graduate of Poltava Polytechnic:

“We are here today to talk about the underground repair of oil and gas systems using supply technologies. First of all, we are here today as specialists who are interested in the SPE platform, and in the current environment, we understand how good it is to have a place to gather. Significantly, this event is held based on a leading higher education institution, a leader in education and science, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, which has created comfortable conditions for professional communication. I would like to thank the whole university staff, headed by the Rector, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, once again for making significant efforts to develop the oil and gas industry and strengthen the energy independence of our country.”

Traditionally, the audience paid tribute to the fallen defenders of Ukraine and civilians affected by russian armed aggression with a minute of silence.

“I am extremely pleased that it is not the first time that the Poltava chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) has held such meetings with industry professionals, choosing a particular topical issue. I would like to note that our multidisciplinary classical university has been cooperating with SPE for many years because we have to unite for the sake of our energy independence and the reconstruction of post-war Ukraine. I am glad to join the relaxed communication with old friends and partners of the university, and I sincerely wish us to have a good time and achieve our goals,” Rector of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Doctor of Economics, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko greeted the participants.

Among the honoured guests of the event were the heads of underground workover departments of leading oil and gas companies: Ihor Mokhnii, PJSC Ukrnafta; Andrii Pavliuk, JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya; Andrii Kucheriavyi, Poltava Drilling Company; and Oleksandr Ushchenko, commander of the Poltava anti-flooding detachment.

The participants were also greeted by Yurii Moroz, Chairman of the SPE Central Ukrainian Section:

“I am glad to see everyone who could come to the event and those who joined online. We have a significant number of registrants for the meeting, which indicates the relevance of snubbing technologies for Ukraine, as most fields are at the final stage of development and this technology can both extend their life and make additional production.

When we talk about Poltava and networking meetings, it is hard for all of us to imagine any other location than National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, so we are very grateful to Rector Volodymyr Onyshchenko and the whole university staff for their help in organising the event.

This year, we aim to increase the number of SPE members and organise technology events that will benefit everyone. As a result of this year’s results, the number of members has already far exceeded the figures of the previous year, and we are now working to encourage companies to involve their employees in the membership of the SPE. Today’s speakers are extremely interesting and their reports would be useful for our foreign partners, so I am confident that in the future we will be able to organise events where we can share our experience abroad. I wish a successful meeting and interesting discussions to all participants. Glory to Ukraine!”

At the beginning of the event, Maksym Dorokhov told the audience about SPE and looked back at the history of the international Society of Petroleum Engineers, outlining the benefits of membership and inviting everyone to join the Society.

The key speakers of the workshop were: Ivan Kostryba, Candidate of Technological Sciences, Associate Professor, expert on supply chain technologies and well safety,  Yurii Kurets, deputy head of the Drilling and Workover Department at DTEK Oil&Gas, and Oleksii Semykoz, chief engineer at Denimex.

In his speech, Ivan Kostryba, an expert on snubbing technologies and blowout preventers, outlined in detail the prospects for implementing snubbing in Ukraine and the specifics of workover under pressure and also spoke about the period of formation of snubbing technologies in the world.

Yurii Kurets, Deputy Head of the Well Drilling and Workover Department at DTEK Oil&Gas, spoke about the experience and prospects of using snubbing by production and service companies and the need to apply snubbing technologies in the context of the development of the modern oil and gas complex. During his presentation, the speaker also shared practical cases of using snubbing technologies in one of the largest oil and gas companies.

Oleksii Semykoz joined the discussion of Denimex’s experience in using snubbing technologies. According to him, snubbing is considered a high-tech well workover method that minimises the negative effects on hydrocarbon deposits, which are usually caused by killing the well during the traditional workover.

At the end of the meeting, the participants of the networking event discussed with the speakers the most pressing issues that arise during the presentations received meaningful answers, and developed plans for the next meetings within the framework of SPE’s activities.

According to the organisers, the professional dialogue between the representatives of business companies, scientists and students of Poltava Polytechnic helps to acquire relevant competences and build a successful professional career.

It should be recalled that the student chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) initiated a charity event to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Earlier, SPE members held a networking meeting with representatives of Geosynthesis Engineering at Polytechnic, and the head of SPE student chapter of Poltava Polytechnic held a class at the Drilling Ground training ground.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”