
Teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation improve their skills by taking part in a seminar of archivists and document specialists

Scientists of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation of Poltava Polytechnic – Head of the Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Iryna Perederii and Senior Teacher Maryna Chyrkova – took part in a seminar-meeting “The Role of Scientific and Technical Documentation at the Present Stage: Acquisition, Scientific and Technical Processing, Preservation”, expanding the source base of training specialists in the information, library and archival sphere.

Teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation improve their skills by taking part in a seminar of archivists and document specialists

In September, 2024, the scientists of Faculty of Philology, Psychology and Pedagogy of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Iryna Perederii and Senior Teacher of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation Maryna Chyrkova took part in the seminar-meeting “The Role of Scientific and Technical Documentation at the Present Stage: Acquisition, Scientific and Technical Processing, Preservation”, which was held at the initiative of the Central State Scientific and Technical Archives of Ukraine.

Within the framework of the seminar, archivists and representatives of higher education institutions of the Poltava region discussed topical issues of working with scientific and technical documentation. Teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation of Poltava Polytechnic had a unique opportunity to update their knowledge about the peculiarities of storing and recording scientific and technical documentation within the National Archival Fond of Ukraine and to expand the source base of the discipline “Archival Studies”, one of the main educational components in the practical training of specialists in the speciality 029 Information, Librarianship and Archiving.

Employees of the Chancery and the Department of Educational Process Organisation, Accreditation and Licensing of Poltava Polytechnic also joined the active discussion and took part in the professional event. For them, the seminar was a workshop on how to work with scientific and technical documentation.

Upon completion of the seminar, the participants received certificates of advanced training in this area.

Earlier, future professionals learned the skills of working with archival documents at the State Archives of the Poltava Region, and documentalists successfully completed an internship at the State Archives of the Poltava Region.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”