On October 25, during a meeting of the Academic Council of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", in the presence of KRCEQA employees, the rector of the University, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko, and Director of the Kharkiv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment Oleksandr Sydorenko signed a Memorandum on Scientific and Educational Partnership and a Cooperation Agreement between the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" and Kharkiv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment in the field of educational assessments of entrants/students and professional development of educators of general secondary education institutions of Poltava region on the basis of multidisciplinary classical university of European level.
The subject of the Memorandum is the cooperation of the above-mentioned parties regarding the organization and conducting of educational activities for entrants and/or students by employees of the Kharkiv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment on the basis of Poltava Polytechnic.
The purpose of the Agreement is to negotiate cooperation on the enrollment of participation in external independent evaluation as a result of professional development of pedagogical staff as well as scientific and pedagogical staff involved by KRCEQA to conduct external independent evaluation (ZNO), the subject of providing educational services for professional development is National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".
"As a leading Ukrainian higher education institution, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" with the Kharkiv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment, a long-term strategic partner of the university has concluded a historical for both parties Memorandum of Partnership in the field of Science and Education and a Cooperation Agreement. These documents update the long-term fruitful collaboration and partnership in the field of science and education, which have been lasting for several years and yielding significant results. Poltava Polytechnic is a multidisciplinary classical university, a leader of higher education in the Poltava region, which willingly aligns with joint initiatives. The academic buildings of the university are used for several years in a row as a point of conducting external independent evaluation, while scientific and pedagogical staff and employees ensure the organization and conduct of entrance examinations at a high level for future entrants.
Dear Oleksandr Leonidovych, thank you very much for the kind words addressed to the entire scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, optimism, and professional zeal with which you undertake any business! We will definitely continue to fill the signed agreements with daily hands-on cases!" – commented the rector of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko.
According to Oleksandr Sydorenko, director of the Kharkiv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of what has been done together with Poltava Polytechnic.
"We are proud of the achievements, the level of professional mutual understanding and cooperation achieved in tandem with the Polytechnic, since we are happy to undertake any educational projects aimed at improving the level of education quality. Today's event will continue the kaleidoscope of events organized with the assistance of our partners, and joint efforts to form a positive image of Ukrainian education will not be in vain.
Next year's innovation will be the preparation for admission to the master's program of two entrance examinations – Unified Entrance Examination (UEE) in a foreign language and a professional examination. Therefore, today it is worth preparing for the challenges that Ukrainian education will face tomorrow.
I sincerely thank all those who are involved in such a serious procedure as the External Independent Evaluation (ZNO), and personally to the rector Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, for creating favorable conditions for the entrance examinations. Special thanks to the teams – lecturers of the University and Poltava College of Oil and Gas work hard for the benefit of youth, for the benefit of the university. Let's continue cooperation in this way and a good result is guaranteed!" – noted Oleksander Sydorenko.
Currently, the Kharkiv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment is taking the first steps to improve the professional qualification of educators of general secondary education institutions. In the future, it is planned to expand the signed Cooperation Agreement and involve university lecturers in course retraining, training programs for lecturers of secondary schools, as work at departments and joint projects will provide the necessary experience that is so lacking in schools of Poltava region.
In the process of signing the existing agreements, the parties agreed on further scientific and educational cooperation and partnership in the field of information activities.
Previously, Poltava Polytechnic as the largest site for External Independent Evaluation (ZNO) received a symbolic award from the Kharkiv Center for Educational Quality Assessment, and the university joined in providing protection for all points of ZNO in the Poltava region.
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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”