
The Rector of Poltava Polytechnic congratulates on the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine!

Happy Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine! I sincerely congratulate the fans of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, which strengthens the willpower and the will to win on all fronts!

The Rector of Poltava Polytechnic congratulates on the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine!

As the head of the Sports Student Union of Ukraine and the Federation of Students’ Sports in the Poltava Region, I congratulate the partners, stakeholders and friends of the multidisciplinary classical university on their professional holiday, I am proud of our effective cooperation and express my sincere gratitude for their comprehensive support and assistance to sports initiatives.

Special thanks to the staff of Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Lina Rybalko, who sets a driving sports pace every day, holds a number of outstanding sports events, writing a separate page of Poltava Polytechnic’s dynamic development.

It is nice that our students and graduates, among whom there are champions of Ukraine, Europe and the world, glorify the country at competitions of different levels. In honour of their enchanting victories in the world sports arenas, the National Anthem of Ukraine is played and the blue and yellow national flag is proudly displayed. We are proud, inspired and do not rest on our laurels!

We pay our deepest tribute to our defenders for the opportunity to work, develop the enormous potential of student youth and live an active sports life!

I wish you good health, sports achievements and professional achievements!

Peace and Victory!