
The university invites estimators to advanced training courses

On the basis of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", advanced training courses for estimators are open, which are focused on both beginners and experienced engineers-estimators. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate.

 The university invites estimators to advanced training courses

Anyone who wants to learn how to work in the AVK-5 software package for drawing up or checking estimates, developing investment and estimate documentation, contractual prices and contract documents, calculating estimate documentation at all stages of construction is invited to join the special short-term advanced training program "Estimating business in construction. Practical work in AVK-5 software package "

The course is aimed at both beginners and those who know the features of compiling estimate documentation, but makes estimates without software.

The form of training is remote in a group or an individual approach.

The number of participants in the group is up to ten people.

The main advantages of the course:

  • mentoring support
  • practical training
  • access to videos of classes and materials after completion of training
  • modern programs

During the month, participants of the advanced training course will learn:

  • rules and regulations in construction, the basics and general approaches of building an effective pricing system in construction;
  • requirements and the procedure for drawing up investor-estimate and tender documentation, in particular, the procedure for drawing up local and object estimates, consolidated estimates, contractual price, closing acts of works performed, materials used, etc.;
  • working principles and capabilities of the AVK-5 program (studying in the AVK-5 software package is part of the general program of the course of estimated business in construction. This software package is designed to determine the cost of construction works and compiling reporting documentation. Training in the AVK-5 software package is based on real projects and examples);
  • features of the formation of various types of estimates for construction works;
  • rules for drawing up a contract with contractors;
  • principles of verification of existing estimates.

Interactive courses are as close as possible to the face-to-face format of classes: there is an opportunity to share experiences in small mini-groups, ask questions to the teacher individually, and receive a large number of methodological materials that will help in the future in solving practical problems of compiling any types of documentation on estimates.

Upon completion of training, subject to successful passing of the control test, graduates will receive a certificate of professional development directly at the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" or by "Nova Poshta".



+380661845614 – Maryna Borysivna Chyzhevska, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

+380500137282 – Kseniia Viktorivna Chychulina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

It should be recalled that the university trains energy auditors in the field of ensuring energy efficiency and surveying engineering systems of buildings.

Previously, experts of the State Audit Service completed an advanced training course under the program "Execution of works and control in construction", the State Audit Service of Ukraine involved Polytechnic scientists to discuss financial control in the field of construction, employees of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Poltava City Council, the Poltava City Department of Land Resources and Land Cadastre and the Department of Registration passed training courses.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”