
University invites you to write the XXI Radio Dictation of National Unity

The Department of the Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” invites students, lecturers and everyone else who wants to join the annual all-Ukrainian action – XXI Radio Dictation of National Unity. It is possible to join the Polytechnic community through Zoom. Participants who write a dictation without any mistakes will receive gifts.

University invites you to write the XXI Radio Dictation of National Unity

On November 9 at 10:00 (Kyiv time) the annual action “All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity” dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian spoken and written language will take place. The live broadcast of the XXI Radio Dictation will take place on Ukrainian Radio, Radio Kultura, UA: Pershyi, on the Facebook pages of the Public Radio, on the Public Radio’s YouTube channels and on all regional channels.

XXI Radio Dictation of National Unity will take place from 10:00 to 11:00. The presenters in the “UA: Pershyi” studio will tell the history of the dictation and provide everyone interested with an opportunity to prepare for writing. The radio dictation itself will begin at 10:15.

For the third time, the Faculty of Humanities of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” organized an online space for joint participation in this large-scale event. Students and lecturers of Poltava Polytechnic can join the All-Ukrainian action via Zoom by following the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5110123531?pwd=RXV3OHk1Z0crdUsyZXBjZkk3eVBxUT09

Meeting ID: 511 012 3531

Passcode: 30bX7k

Person to contact – Oksana Tur (095) 068 74 77

The well-known Ukrainian poet, prose writer, translator, essayist Yurii Andrukhovych will read his own text written for the XXI Radio Dictation of National Unity live. According to the board member of the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine, responsible for the radio platform and project manager Dmytro Khorkin, it was Yurii Andrukhovych, who radio listeners often advised to choose for this year’s dictation as the author and reader of the text.

For the second time Larysa Masenko, Professor of the Ukrainian Language Department of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, a leading researcher at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the NAS of Ukraine, became a scientific consultant of the project.

This year, Ukrainian Radio will become a platform for public dialogue – public deliberations on language issues will be taking place during the week before the All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity project is aired. In particular, language legislation and language quotas will be discussed. The topic of radio dictation will be announced soon.

The participants’ works will be accepted in online and offline formats. The dictation should be written by hand on a sheet of paper that can be photographed. After the dictation, everyone can send their works to the Ukrainian Radio email: rd@ukr.radio.

For convenience, the organizers have prepared an electronic form for receiving works, so you can send a dictation using any gadget. It will be made public on the ukr.radio website on November 9. All submitted works will be checked by a special professional commission.

The paper letter should be sent to the address: Kyiv, Khreshchatyk Street, 26, 01001, “Ukrainian Radio”, “Radio Dictation” (the date of sending must be stamped no later than on November 10).

The deadline for sending the finished text is astronomical day.

After the text of the dictation is published on the Ukrainian Radio website on November 11, e-mails will not be accepted.

The results will be announced within 1-2 months, depending on the number of letters received. The participants of the action, who will write the dictation without any mistakes, will receive gift sets from the project partners.

Organizers invite Ukrainians to tell on social platforms about their preparation for the all-Ukrainian action, to submit photos or texts on the Internet with the thematic hashtag #радіодиктант2021 (#radiodictation2021).

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”