
University Signs Agreement With Private Rehabilitation Center Where Ergotherapists Can Practice

On June, 16, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” and the Medical Center “Skalianskyi’s Clinic” Ltd signed the agreement on cooperation.

University Signs Agreement With Private Rehabilitation Center Where Ergotherapists Can Practice

Basing on the principles of public-private cooperation, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” represented by Rector Volodymyr Onyshchenko, and the Medical Center “Skalianskyi’s Clinic” Ltd represented by Director Yevhen Skalianskyi signed an agreement on cooperation.

“We continue collaborating with business and private companies, a medical company this time. “Skalianskyi’s Clinic” has modern equipment which can become powerful laboratory facilities for the future specialists. As for now, higher education institutions have no possibilities for quickly updating the facilities to correspond with the requirements of today and for buying the equipment used in this field. But the quality training of ergotherapists, physical therapists and physical rehabilitation specialists requires practice in real conditions, using modern technology and with the lead of experienced professionals. I am thankful that our students have such a possibility and will start working with up-to-date equipment. Our university has created all the conditions for our students to be qualified specialists after receiving the diploma and for them to not need additional training,” Rector of National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Professor Volodymyr Onyshchenko said.

The agreement covers joint realization of the state policy in health care, projects in providing modern rehabilitational, informational, consulting, social and pedagogical service, organization of educational, scientific and rehabilitational processes, holding joint educational events in healthy lifestyle, physical therapy (including that for people with disabilities), as well as advanced training for specialists and workers for education and health care establishments.

The winner of the Regional M. V. Sklifosovskyi’s Award in “The Best Director Of A Health Care Establishment” (2013) Yevhen Skalianskyi, who worked as the Chief Doctor of Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital Named After M. V. Sklifosovskyi for ten years, has the higher qualification category in organizing and managing health care. He has been in the lead of the Medical Center “Skalianskyi’s Clinic” since 2013.

“In the whole world, every medical establishment has a rehabilitation center. One stage of the treatment is the surgery, intensive therapy, but then the rehabilitation therapy has to be held. It’s the stage that we, together with National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, are going to realize within the public-private cooperation, which is rather common today. Our center provides all the types of rehabilitational treatment, such as exercise therapy, massages, physical therapy, specialists’ consulting. As of today, the problem of rehabilitation is still relevant in Ukraine; we have a lot of patients with injuries, consequences of illnesses, in particular blood strokes, heart attacks. They need rehabilitation. This process requires specialists, such as ergotherapists and physical therapists, who provide qualified help. Our center has four such specialists. In the university, students receive theory, in the medical establishments they get practice,” Yevhen Skalianskyi commented.

New possibilities are opened for the students of Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy, an educational program available at the Faculty of Sports. After receiving the Bachelor’s degree in this program, the graduates can fulfill the professional work mentioned in DK003-2010 and can work at such positions as physical therapist assistant or ergotherapist assistant, massage therapist, sport massage therapist. Partner institutions for the students to do internships are the 3d Poltava City Polyclinic of Poltava City Council, Poltava City Center of Complex Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, Perinatal Center of Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital Named After M. V. Sklifosovskyi of Poltava Regional Administration, and Poltava State Experimental Prosthetic and Orthopedic Company.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”