Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Educational Work


was born on January 7, 1975 in Poltava.


Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Educational Work of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"


Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorCONTACT INFORMATION


 (0532) 60-87-46

 (0532) 56-29-37


1982 - 1992 - School No. 25, Poltava;

1992 - 1997 - Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”, specializing in lifting, transport, construction and road machinery and equipment;

1997 - 2000 - Postgraduate studies at Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University, Department of Construction Machinery and Equipment, specializing in machines for the production of building materials and structures, PhD  in Technical Sciences(2002);

2013-2016 - Здобувач кафедри будівельних машин та обладнання Полтавського національного технічного університету імені Юрія Кондратюка;

2009 - Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Machinery and Equipment;

2013 - 2016 - doctoral student of the Department of Construction Machinery and Equipment of Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University,

2016 - dissertation "Fundamentals of creating energy-efficient technological sets of equipment for plastering" for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty "Machines for the production of building materials and structures" at the specialized academic council of Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture.


2000 - 2003 - Assistant of the Department of Construction Machinery and Equipment, Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University;

2003 - 2005 - Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Machinery and Equipment, Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University;

2005 - 2006 - Dean of the Sanitary Engineering Faculty of Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University;

2006 - 2010 - Vice-Rector for Educational Work of Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University;

2010 - 2017 - First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University;

2017 – to present - Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Educational Work of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic".


- Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2003);

- Diploma of the Poltava Regional State Administration (2004);

- Acknowledgment of the Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005);

- Diploma of the Poltava Regional Council (2005);

- Laureate of the Annual Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2007);

- Badge "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" (2010);

- Diploma of the Poltava Regional State Administration (2016);

- Badge "For Scientific and Educational Achievements" (2018);


B. Korobko is a representative of the scientific school "Mechanization of manual labor in construction", founded by the Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Academician of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Onyshchenko.

B. Korobko is the author and co-author of about 100 scientific, scientific-methodical and scientific-technical publications which include:

- textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Construction Engineering", edited by V. Onyshchenko, O. Onyshchenko, B. Korobko, V. Virchenko;

- textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Structure, kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms", edited by V. Onyshchenko, B. Korobko, K. Vashchenko;

- 3 monographs, 20 patents and certificates for inventions, 50 scientific articles, including 6 in Scopus and Web of Science.

He participated in state budget research works of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Development and research of a new generation hydraulic drive plastering station with a rotary body and a remotely adjustable differential hydraulic drive mortar pump" (2002-2004, state registration number 0102 U 001308), "Development and implementation of a low-operational complex mechanized technology for finishing works in construction production" (2004-2006, state registration number 0104 U 000318), "Creation of a mobile small-sized plastering unit of a new generation with the development of complex mechanized plastering technology". He was the head of the complex research work "Creation of effective small-sized equipment for complex mechanization of works at the construction site" (2015-2016, state registration numbers 0115 U 002421, 0115 U 001078).

He was a scientific supervisor of one PhD dissertation (Technical Sciences). As a member of the team of young scientists of the university, he was awarded with the annual Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists.